1440. For me, right now that is good enough. The resolution is high enough that anything more is just a bonus, but I do try to shoot for at least 120 fps.
Edit for clarification: The more I see on Zen4 the more I do want to wait. Either that or just hold off on 4 and get a 5th gen Ryzen and be good for a bit. I'll admit, you are right, I don't really need to. Everything is fine as it is.
Question for you - is your RAM 2133 stock and 2933 XMP, or does your RAM just run stock 2133 and you OC'd it to 2933?
Asking because a lot of RAM is 2133 or 2400 with XMP (authorized overclocking profiles) which are much faster. The RAM I run at 3866 - its stock speed is 2133 C14 with XMP of 4400 C19. I wanted tighter timings than 19, and my CPUs couldn't run 4400, so I lowered it to as fast as possible (each time ~3900), and then tightened the timings as far as they'd go (at the end I gave a bit of a voltage bump as well, to get from C15 to 14 - I'm pretty invested into overclocking lol)
There's a 95+ % chance your CPU's maximum supported RAM speed (while running the memory controller in sync with the RAM, which you
definitely want to do), is between 3466 and 3733. I did a lot of reading about Zen 2 at launch, and (when talking about new builds) it was said performance increased pretty linearly up to 3600, and past that was very diminished returns. When they talked about performance, it was regarding programs heavily dependent on memory bandwidth or latency. Most things are unaffected by RAM speed. Even the average FPS of most games are only very loosely related to RAM speed. But average isn't the only metric of FPS that matters. 1% and 0.1% lows are probably equally important. An average FPS of 170 and 0.1% lows of 40fps is much MUCH much much worse than FPS of 100 and 0.1% lows of 75fps for example.
So back in mid 2020, DDR4 3200 was
the speed to buy. If you wanted 3600 you'd be paying 50% more, and anything slower at the same size only saved you up to 10-15% (and that was going allllll th way down).
Why I'm telling you all this (if it's something you already know, I'm sorry lol) is to maximize your performance in the mean time while you wait for Zen 5 or Intel's 14th gen (if you're open to Intel).
Intel's 14th gen is a
complete overhaul, and from everything I can tell, it should be really good. It's possible Zen 5 is the same as Zen 4 (or at least even more similar than the difference between Zen 3 and Zen 4), so if you always go with AMD, you might be waiting til Zen 6 (or whatever comes after Zen). Zen 5 could also be very different, but suck. A lot could happen lol.
Important: the newest consoles aren't going anywhere soon. Games made in the next few years will not demand anything more than they can give. If your PC is doing games made in the past two years perfectly fine, it'll continue to do games made in the next 4-5 just as well!
For optimizing your CPU's performance, at the beginning, you set your RAM voltage to 1.53V (don't worry, it won't stay there - once you've found the highest speed your CPU can handle, you then reduce this to 0.03V above what's stable.)
First, you aim for 3200/1600, then increase to 3333/1666, then 3466/1733, then 3600/1800, then 3733/1866. Your limit's the last one you hit!
Unless you've done RAM overclocking before, you should leave all the timings Auto. If you want I can give you more detailed instructions - I don't want to get too in depth because I don't know either if you already know everything I'd say, or if you even want to OC further.
So yeah.. for stability testing (backing down the voltage) you run Prime95 large FFT (easy) or MemTest5 (more complicated). When P95 can run for 4-6 hours without giving you an error, that's a stable voltage. So you find where you get an error, then increase RAM voltage by 0.03
If your average FPS is fine, but sometimes things get really choppy when things get busy (lots of people etc moving on screen), increasing your RAM speed can alleviate this.
You can run a program (I forget what it's called) that'll tell you what your average, 1%, and 0.1% FPS are to see if you've got an issue. If you're happy with gameplay, then I wouldn't even look into anything I just wrote about lol