home screen

Drag an app icon to the far right of a home screen. That will flip to the next one to the right, or create a new home screen to the right of you are already at the furthest right screen.

You can do that by dragging an icon already on a home screen or the dock, or open the app drawer and drag the icon from there. Or you can long press on an empty area of any home screen, which will show you the home screens a little smaller with a widget and app picker at the bottom. Again, you can grab either and drag them to the right edge of the right most home screen and it will create a new one.

Conversely, if you remove the last icon from a home screen, it will disappear.
if the homepage has 3 screens and the default is the first one, is there a way you can make the default the middle 2nd one?
I don't believe so with the stock launcher. I use Nova, and three home screens with the middle one as the default.
I don't believe so with the stock launcher. I use Nova, and three home screens with the middle one as the default.
Correct. This road is well traveled. If you want the home screen anywhere other than page 1, you'll need another Launcher. Nova is widely considered the best. There are many other good ones out there, but honestly, Nova has probably the best reputation, and is very easy to use.
Action Launcher as of yesterday also now let's you assign a default home screen. I believe apex does as well. Along with the Google Now launcher, which requires the left most home screen to be default, I believe that these are the most popular launchers these days.
Action Launcher as of yesterday also now let's you assign a default home screen. I believe apex does as well. Along with the Google Now launcher, which requires the left most home screen to be default, I believe that these are the most popular launchers these days.
I can confirm Apex which I used for years, and still recommend, but as a close second to Nova.