How 2 remove city from Verizon Incredible Sense weather app?


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Jun 15, 2010
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Is there a way to remove the default city from the Sense weather widget? When it can't lock my location, it runs home to Miami (and sometimes now Dresden?). I've added a local city that would be close enough. Is there a hidden function in the GUI that changes the default? If is helps, I've installed a terminal app and ES File Explorer, so I can walk the directories, but the phone isn't rooted. SU, SUDO, and NANO all give me "access denied", so I guess that means I can't edit config files directly.

I saw a post that said I can uninstall the weather widget and re-install it to change the city default. Is that the easiest way? If I install an alternate widget like Weather Channel, will I need a separate clock widget and could I make more room for app shortcuts?

BTW, when I turn on the phone and it goes through the logo screens, does that mean there has been an update or I just let the battery get too low?
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