How are you dealing with your Battery Issues?


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Nov 11, 2009
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Don't have a huge battery issue. I agree with some people here I charge it slot when I'm at work at desk etc. If I'm using Pandora in Car I plug it in.

I also use Tasker-

Great app for setting up profiles based on location, battery life, wifi etc.

I have it shut off data when near wifi. When battery dips it performs certain things like sync off, display timeout etc.
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Jul 28, 2011
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HD Widgets

Yeah I love HD widgets. I don't have too much of a problem with my battery life but I have an extended and two regular batteries just in case. My Android OS uses too much battery so hopefully after the next update my battery life will be even better.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


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Feb 2, 2011
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I love all the ppl coming from 3g phones and none smart phones. I got the Gnex after having a thunderbolt and the battery life on the Gnex is a huge improvement coming from that device.


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Dec 5, 2011
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I love all the ppl coming from 3g phones and none smart phones. I got the Gnex after having a thunderbolt and the battery life on the Gnex is a huge improvement coming from that device.

I had the Blunderbolt, but I only ran it on 3G. Agreed that the battery was crap even on 3G. I then went with the iPhone 4S for a while because a ton of my users are getting those so I felt I needed to finally use one for a little while. I was totally spoiled by that battery life (especially coming from the Bluderbolt) it would never need to touch a charger until midnight. A big reason was the smaller screen, which at first I thought I would hate, but it turned out didn't really didn't bother me at all. (The OS itself left me wanting a bit, but that is not the point and for another day.)

My first bit with the GNex brought me back to my Bluderbolt horror days, and I know with that big ass screen there will always be a hit there, but by the hour I'm feeling better about it because it really looks like Beautiful Widgets is playing a part and I'm sure future updates will help.

I'm not a fanboy of any device/OS, as the mobile guy at work I switch devices all the time. Sure I have some I like over others, but I've yet to find any device that I would want to be stuck with for 2 years...
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Jan 6, 2011
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I had the Blunderbolt, but I only ran it on 3G. Agreed that the battery was crap even on 3G. I then went with the iPhone 4S for a while because a ton of my users are getting those so I felt I needed to finally use one for a little while. I was totally spoiled by that battery life (especially coming from the Bluderbolt) it would never need to touch a charger until midnight. A big reason was the smaller screen, which at first I thought I would hate, but it turned out didn't really didn't bother me at all. (The OS itself left me wanting a bit, but that is not the point and for another day.)

My first bit with the GNex brought me back to my Bluderbolt horror days, and I know with that big ass screen there will always be a hit there, but by the hour I'm feeling better about it because it really looks like Beautiful Widgets is playing a part and I'm sure future updates will help.

I'm not a fanboy of any device/OS, as the mobile guy at work I switch devices all the time. Sure I have some I like over others, but I've yet to find any device that I would want to be stuck with for 2 years...

The Thunderbolt has gotten better with each update and it's actually a pretty solid phone right now, but I still get better battery life with the Galaxy Nexus. I use Fancy Widgets and like I said, without even trying I can easily get 12-13 hours out of the battery. I don't leave it on the charger at work all day like I basically had to with the Thunderbolt.

Run L1ke H3LL

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Dec 30, 2011
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Wow based on all the replies maybe Beautiful Widgets is to blame in my situation. I'm going to disable it for the day and see if their are any improvements. I've also turned off 4G since I'm usually around Wifi.

One question though, why is my phone always awake? When I tap the graph in battery settings, even when the screen is off the phone stays awake. Beautiful Widgets again?


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Jul 24, 2011
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I have the extra battery.

Also, you're like the 3rd or 4th person that has mentioned Words with Friends, and battery drain . Something to consider?

I also deleted Facebook, Google Currents, and Pulse. We'll see how that goes.


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Jul 3, 2011
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I've been experimenting with various options for the past week since getting my Nexus. Yesterday I put Juice Defender (Ultimate) on my Nexus (had the app from when I had my DroidX). So far it's really helped with the battery life. Here's the stats from yesterday, After 12hrs I was still at 52% which is much better than I was getting without JD. I did some limited texting, took some calls, checked my email, updated a couple apps, etc yesterday. Not a very extensive use on the device but functional for normal phone use.

+1 for Juice Defender.


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May 5, 2010
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I don't have any battery issues, but if you're going to play games, you'll need a mid day charge on any phone. That screen time is going to suck the juice.

Run L1ke H3LL

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2011
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Hmm now that I think about it I've been using an app called Prey. Maybe that is the reason the phone is awake all the time. Going to uninstall and see how that goes.

Run L1ke H3LL

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2011
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Beautiful Widgets. It was crushing my phone.

In another thread someone mentioned Fancy Widgets was good and so far didn't effect battery. I have not tried it yet.

I tried it but it's nothing special. I like everything that Beautiful Widgets has to offer including the tap setting like opening the calendar and alarm clock. It saves home screen space.

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