Hey guys!
So, I bought a Huawei P8 Lite 2017 about 2 weeks ago. Today, while I was playing, the sun shined through my window onto my screen in a certain angle and I noticed a white dot. I tried to scrub it, thinking it was dust/dirt, but it didn't come off. I tried glass cleaner cloth and micro fiber, cleared my screen perfectly, but that one dot won't go away. Then I checked whether it was on the inside of the glass, or a dead pixel, and sure enough, when I turned the screen full bright white, that spot has a tiny black spot. Its really small, and can only be seen when watched perfectly perpendicular. Funny enough, it looks like a white dot, when the screen is dark, some light source shines on it, and you look at an angle. Unfortunately Huawei won't replace it until 3 dead pixels. I tried one of these "Dead pixel fixer" apps, all they do is flash colors really fast. How is that supposed to fix it? Is it possible that it fixes itself overnight?
So, I bought a Huawei P8 Lite 2017 about 2 weeks ago. Today, while I was playing, the sun shined through my window onto my screen in a certain angle and I noticed a white dot. I tried to scrub it, thinking it was dust/dirt, but it didn't come off. I tried glass cleaner cloth and micro fiber, cleared my screen perfectly, but that one dot won't go away. Then I checked whether it was on the inside of the glass, or a dead pixel, and sure enough, when I turned the screen full bright white, that spot has a tiny black spot. Its really small, and can only be seen when watched perfectly perpendicular. Funny enough, it looks like a white dot, when the screen is dark, some light source shines on it, and you look at an angle. Unfortunately Huawei won't replace it until 3 dead pixels. I tried one of these "Dead pixel fixer" apps, all they do is flash colors really fast. How is that supposed to fix it? Is it possible that it fixes itself overnight?