My name is also Rob. I also pair my SMH10. Pulling off the highway, pulling my gloves off, getting my phone out, and tapping 'OK' to a warning is not a good option.
My SMH10 requires near max volume to work, due to the conditions inside a helmet. I have to seal my helmet and the area around my neck to keep wind noise out. I am commuting on the bike more than 15 hours a week, so I have to wear foam earplugs to drop the wind noise to safe levels. Then I have to turn the volume up on the helmet audio to 'punch through' the earplugs - the end result is an audio experience similar to listening to a stereo at a safe, comfortable volume in a quiet car.
Bluetooth is not the same as "headphones." Bluetooth devices are inherently internally amplified. The warning may be appropriate for the built-in headphone jack, powered by the phone, but is misapplied when pairing to bluetooth. Imagine what happens in a car when you are driving down the road, and your android phone (with its artificially limited max volume) unpairs from your receiver, dropping it back into radio mode. Except, your receiver volume was unknowingly twisted far up the dial to compensate for the androids 'hearing protection.' Now their safety feature is doing the damage it was intended to avoid.
Unfortunately, I'm on a Note 5. Rooting this device breaks several features as well as permanently voiding the warranty. If you don't want us to root our phones, then you must give us user control of basic features and areas of the system that do not compromise security.