ssweet97 did you figure it out? Another "File Explorer" that's great to use is "ES File Explorer File Manager"
(make sure you use the entire name---so many closely name related).
300 *MILLION* downloads can't be wrong right?
Reason this is best is it allows you to connect to cloud storage etc. (Dropbox. BOX, Google Drive,etc).
Once you find where the Zip file is. Long press on it. bottom right corner is a move/copy button (course "MOVE") to SD card
As per above, to get into the loader. At the same time, press volume up, hold menu key and Power UP.
Once you see the power up (and you'll know things are going correctly as a word in small blue print (much to small and much to fast pop up to read) will occur.
You will know you are *IN* the correct screen as you'll see the "Dead Android"..*grin* (he's on his back his front door open and laying on the ground). Use the volume up/down to see the zip file. Press power to select.
Very important!!! While it's flashing---don't touch it/do anything (even if you *THINK* something went wrong...don't do anything)---just let it do it's thing. Before you try to fix yourself come back to this board or to and get help fixing it.
Reason that's critical (not touching it--trying to fix yourself)--is that "Flashing a Rom" incorrectly---can get you a "bricked phone"-----(when I was on androidforum)--someone offered to do for me (Using Team Viewer).
You can do that as well. If yo have a Techie friend (or trust someone)....Use Team Viewer for Android (don't worry---no one can unauthorized get back on your phone---it's also a Desktop Sharing App (ie-for Help Desk,etc.)
Good look!
Do I download the program or the file first, sorry about all the questions.