How do i remount the SDcard


Original Member
Oct 24, 2008
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Rebooting the phone was the only way I could figure out. I probably hit the same button as you to unmount it. :)

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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If you hit the button in settings->storage you're actually running a linux umount command. What will need done after that would be to run the mount -o -rw,remount -t command on the sd card. I know taking out the card and re-inserting it works, unless you've flucked up the automount script (I'm sure you haven't), and rebooting the phone calls automount.

On the Hero I have here in my hands, the only way I can see to remount the card AFTER you've manually unmounted is to open a term and remount it, or remove/reinsert, or reboot. Looks like the option to unmount it is only when you want to remove without powering down.

If you mount/unmount from the notification bar (as when you plug in to your pc) it runs a more friendly script that gives you the option to unmount from device and mount to the computer, and unmount from computer then remount on device.

Short version - unless you're going to remove the sd card, don't use that button :p


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2009
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If you hit the button in settings->storage you're actually running a linux umount command. What will need done after that would be to run the mount -o -rw,remount -t command on the sd card. I know taking out the card and re-inserting it works, unless you've flucked up the automount script (I'm sure you haven't), and rebooting the phone calls automount.

On the Hero I have here in my hands, the only way I can see to remount the card AFTER you've manually unmounted is to open a term and remount it, or remove/reinsert, or reboot. Looks like the option to unmount it is only when you want to remove without powering down.

If you mount/unmount from the notification bar (as when you plug in to your pc) it runs a more friendly script that gives you the option to unmount from device and mount to the computer, and unmount from computer then remount on device.

Short version - unless you're going to remove the sd card, don't use that button :p

Thanks for the info lol ,im a pc guy so 1/2 the stuff you just said went out the window lol, but i got what i needed from it lol thanks for the info

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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lol. Sorry...replace the instances where I say "unmount, remount, and mount" with "using the removable device icon in the tray on your windows machine to connect and disconnect". Same basic theory.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
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Try connecting your ERIS to your PC via a USB cable, you could see options on the top bar "mount" or "unmount". Now click on mount. It would display a message to turn off the storage. Click ok and you're all set.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
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when you go into settings/storage theres where you can hit "unmount SD card" then after it unmounts it changes to "mount SD card" so you can re-mount it, or is your phone not doing this??

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