How do we clear open/recent apps


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2011
Help appreciated thanks. A few watch faces I noticed allows you to click on a task manager shortcut on the face to clear any apps that are open or possibly running in the background.
Swipe down, settings, Advanced, double press home key, select the option for recent apps. So when you want to clear all the recently used apps, double press the home key, and then close all.
Swipe down, settings, Advanced, double press home key, select the option for recent apps. So when you want to clear all the recently used apps, double press the home key, and then close all.

It seems like this doesn't actually stop the app from running in the background. As many have discussed here, there's an odd bug in the Spotify app which causes it to start playing music after the microphone is accessed (e.g. if you decline a call, which can make business meetings a little awkward). I tried closing Spotify using the recent apps menu, and this doesn't resolve the problem. However if I get a "battery draining" warning and close Spotify, this does work. So it looks like closing apps in the recent apps menu doesn't actually stop the app from running in the background.
Not sure about Spotify but hear it is a buggy application so I don't use it. As for recently used applications and how to close them, the OP was asking how to close them on the watch so direction was given, and for whether they are still running, they may or may not be the case but am just basing battery use on this page.
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The very first icon in the menu (hit bottom button) is recent apps. It looks like two circles. Hit it and you have the option to close all apps.

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