How is your exp at retail stores buying this phone?


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2011
especially for people who recently bought this phone/upgraded

how's your buying exp with @ Verizon stores or a best buy?

curious to see what sales reps are saying for the the galaxy nexus
The guy that sold me the phone said his friend has it and loves it. He went on to say how he loves ICS and wishes his phone had it. He also said all of the things customers complained about. He said the battery isn't so great and the reception isn't the best. He basically said everything I found out on the research I did on the phone before I decided on it. I was pleased with his help. He knew what he was talking about and he was completely unbiased. I got it a few weeks ago. Like the middle of May.

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Got mine about 3 weeks ago. The sales guy initially kept talking up the Droid Razor Maxx even though I told him I know I want the Nexus. Once he realized we both liked the same football team and we were both from the same state (living in MD but from Jersey) he was straight up. He said they are being told to push the Droid line of phones and they did have some returns for signal issues with the GNex. He went over all of the fees and was pretty lax for the most part. He did mention that he heard the GSM update works on the Verizon version (4.04, I know this already) and the customers that buy the GNex are very decisive for the most part.
I got mine at BestBuy. When I told the guy I wanted the GN, he said "that's a sweet phone, you'll love it, it's the best Verizon has right now" that was just the beginning of this month. I also heard him recommend it to two other customers while I was standing in line. I did notice that he had one himself so he might have been slightly biased.

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I got mine 1.5 months ago at a Verizon corporate store...walked in, said I wanted two GNexi, and he started the sale up. Got a good deal with upgrades and lots of swag, (two BT, two Moto battery charger thingys, and two OtterBox cases) for around $550.
Of course, I've been going there for over a decade, and they know that I know what I want when I come in.

Sent from my (pretty awesome) SCH-i515
I got mine in the middle of May. The sales rep was really pushing me to get the iPhone, which I knew I did NOT want. He didn't really say anything bad about the Galaxy Nexus, just that the iPhone was better. Long story short, I left and ordered it from Verizon's website. And this happened at a corporate store surprisingly.

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Got mine about 3 weeks ago. The sales guy initially kept talking up the Droid Razor Maxx even though I told him I know I want the Nexus. Once he realized we both liked the same football team and we were both from the same state (living in MD but from Jersey) he was straight up. He said they are being told to push the Droid line of phones and they did have some returns for signal issues with the GNex. He went over all of the fees and was pretty lax for the most part. He did mention that he heard the GSM update works on the Verizon version (4.04, I know this already) and the customers that buy the GNex are very decisive for the most part.

this is interesting
I switched from Sprint about 2 weeks ago. I wanted the GN and my wife wanted the iPhone. We went in and said that and were hassled for 30 minutes about the razr maxx. I finally said I hate Motorola and we want the GN and iPhone and they backed down. My wife asked the guy straight up,"why do you keep trying to talk me out of this phone?"

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I purchased on release day. The experience was fine. The VZW employee was excited to sell the stores very first Nexus.

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Just bought mine a couple if days ago. The rep I was talking to was also pushing the razr on me pretty hard. I told the rep all I wanted was the nexus and finally just gave in but added "I think you're gonna be back if you get this phone"
Sales reps don't like selling a phone and having to then return and exchange it. They don't get paid for doing more than double the work in that instance. When a phone like the CDMA GN has so many issues, sales reps are going to push other devices.
Sales reps don't like selling a phone and having to then return and exchange it. They don't get paid for doing more than double the work in that instance. When a phone like the CDMA GN has so many issues, sales reps are going to push other devices.

It helps that they get more commission for selling Droid branded devices. I got the same thing. I told the guy I wanted the Nexus. He tried his ass off to get me to buy the RAZR. Another sales person went as far as to call the GNex a "turd phone" and went on to explain why the RAZR was soooo much better.I finally said, I want the Nexus, if that is a problem I'll go elsewhere. He got the hint and went to get my GNex.
I got mine 3 or 4 months ago. I did all my homework before going in, knew exactly what I wanted. It didn't matter at all what the sales reps said, for them it was easy, I walked in that door with a specific purchase in mind.
They were a little busy and put me in a queue (tracked on mounted monitors), but considering the importance of what I was doing, I didn't mind.
Guess my experience was fine. I just say what I want and how I want it. I do my own research, usually.
Got mine last Wed. Walked in and told the guy what I wanted the Nexus and he said alright and walked to the back and got me one. When he came back out he asked what drew me to the phone. I said the dev support behind it and the whole exp, it was at that time he pulled his out of his pocket. He went on to talk to me about rooting and loading ROMs and all that. Cool guy.
Got mine yesterday. The guy tried 3 times to sell me a razr. I just said I want the phone I told you I came in for and that was it.

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