How to disable "unsafe volume" warning?


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2012
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There's a thread about this in the N4 section, but I didn't see any answers there, so I figured I'd post here.

Lately when I try to turn the volume up with the side rocker, I often get a popup message "Raise volume above safe level? Listening at high volume for long periods may damage your hearing." It's very annoying, and I'd like to disable it.


Well-known member
May 14, 2010
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I too would love a way to remove happens really often and when the volume is only around 15%-20%. It is really annoying. Reminds me of all the annoying popups in Windows Vista.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2013
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OK, this issue was posted in 2012, and STILL Google IGNORES their users! And for me this is not because of an old OS or proprietary phone software because this is a Nexus 5! I'm not interested in modding my phone, a factor in why I chose a Nexus. And as for "safety" - it is still confusing when I plug it in the car and expect it to work, whether it is the car stereo source or some problem with the stereo or the fact that Android has locked my volume down again - the safety issue for me is will this cause an accident!? I'm surprised Google isn't facing any lawsuits for something along these lines. I find the prospect of a driverless car produced by this company extremely disturbing. And I find this annoying piece of unusabilty increasingly frustrating and infuriating. Shame on you Google-Android.