[How-To] Flash a leaked RUU

Ok, so from what I understand: Backing up is just for the apps on the phone? I am at work and I want to do this now but have no way to connect to a computer. So do I NEED to do a back up? Yes, I am a new to this...

Yeah that's what they are referring to I believe. You don't need to do it. Many ppl just want to because you will have to start over otherwise. You will be starting with a brand new phone. You can get your contacts and stuff back from Google though. Just make sure you back up pictures and stuff(copy and paste to computer) just in case

Sent from my ADR6425LVW
One other thing I have noticed in ICS is that the screen is a bit slow to wake up from sleep sometimes. The screen is very dark after pressing the power button - I can barely make out the unlock ring onscreen. After about 10 seconds, the screen will be at normal brightness.

Am I the only one?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

I realized today that the slow screen wake-up happens one or two times (waking up the phone) after I've used the camera. For example:

Usage #1: I use the camera or camcorder.
Usage #2: screen is slow to wake up
Usage #3: screen is slow to wake up
Usage #4: screen is likely to be at full brightness from the start
So I should still root even though I already flashed the RUU? (see I did say I was a newbie :) )

If you are happy with the phone, no need to root. Enjoy ICS! :)

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Just got s-off, now downloading the latest leak. I am proud of myself for getting s-off and I don't know why (I didn't write the program)...

Any who, 2 hours from now it should be done downloading.

Edit: should have just used this here 4G phone rather than mooching off the neighbors crappy internet... Downloaded in about 5 min compared to the slated 2 hours lol.
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So, has anybody here, who flashed the leaked RUU, received the official OTA?

I'm not rooted, flashed the RUU. My phone is not finding any software updates via OTA.

Since I can't get the OTA, is there any way to return to stock GB and then get the OTA?

Just flash the .12 RUU twice - much easier. There is a thread about it in these forums.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
I just added the lock part. Thanks, I can't believe I forgot that.

Im already unlocked. Been having problems since friday when HTC sent the ICS update. Been trying all kinds of things to fix my phone now, trying this now. Im not sure how to relock though? Can you please explain? If you woulnt mind chatting threw skype, aim, or facebook that would also be great? shoot me a PM if your able to. Thank you!

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