How To Install KeePass2Android With Android 14

Fire Chief

Jul 17, 2024
I cannot install the app, and I don't know why. Before my phone was sent for repair, I had the app working, using my KeePass data file on my computer to provide its passwords.. I have no idea how I did that, such as, did I have the app already installed, and then started using Dropbox on my computer to link to the app.

I can download the app and start it, but then I cannot figure out any way of linking it to the PC. The app asks where you want to store something, but when I click on using Dropbox, it will not allow me to go there, insisting on a file on the Pixel 7 Pro, which is not what I want to do.

I have found very little advice about how to link the two (app and password data base), and am quite frustrated. If anyone can assist, please accept my thanks before you even post your reply.

Maybe I should, instead, start a third fire department; that might be simpler than untying this Gordian Knot....
Does KeePass not store your passwords in the cloud? I know some PMWs do and link that way.
Not by definition, it stores passwords in a computer file. I did a quick search about also saving the file elsewhere; that can be done as a backup.
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I am going to quit, as I just learned something, and that is that Dropbox is in the cloud. I had no idea of that, given that my Dropbox files seem to be on my computer! It does, however, sort of solving what I have long considered to be odd behavior of those files, that they are not where they seem to be.

That, however, raises a new question, and that is why this app refuses to find my Dropbox files. I finally found some useful information about the app, among which is that it only has a few storage options, including the one that I did not know I was using until a few minutes, and that is, of course, the cloud.
Do Not Ask.

If you do ask, I will tell you that I do not know. After posting my previous message, I tried again to get the app to find my Dropbox files, which failed. I tried again, and on my second or third attempt, I got a notification that I had an email with a security code.

I quickly opened my email on the web, rather than waiting for it to be delivered to my computer, and entered the code in the box on the Pixel 7 Pro. That done, I attempted a few times to get Dropbox accepted by KeePass2Android.

My KeePass passwords on now on my phone.

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