"Battery reset" has nothing to do with the battery.
There are two ways to tell the State of Charge - chemically measure the electrolyte (more expensive for the equipment than the entire phone) or measure the terminal voltage and refer to a chart of voltage vs. SoC. The second one is the one used in cellphones.
To "recalibrate" is merely to reset the chart "100%" point to the voltage coming from the battery when it's fully charged. We do this by charging and watching the battery voltage until it stops going up, then telling the app we're using for this |reset|, at which point, it rewrites the "calibration" file with the immediate voltage at the time you told it to reset. Percentages of voltage below that tell the phone what percentage of charge is left.
The file in which that information is kept is a system file, so the phone has to be rooted. The app I use (there may be others) is
Battery Calibration.
Discharging the battery to 0 is not only no longer required (it used to be required to run the phone until it shut off) to "format" the battery, it's strongly recommended hat you
never allow the charge to get below
40%. Doing so only shortens the life of the battery.
*#0228# gives you the
battery statistics, it doesn't do anything to the calibration. (And it's not universal - the only phones I can confirm it working on are Samsungs. (I can also confirm that it
doesn't work on Pixels.)
Also, "recalibrating the battery" doesn't do a thing for the battery life or time between charges, it just makes the percentage reading more accurate. It's "battery percentage reading calibration", it doesn't "recalibrate the battery" (not that that phrase actually means something - batteries, any kind of batteries, never need to be "calibrated".)