Sorry for delay.
SuperOneClick was only able to work on ZV4 baseband V's (v1.6.4 I if memory is correct), and even then you had to use the SHELL ROOT option, then push su and busybox with a command prompt to obtain a full root. I have looked ever where for this version of SuperOneClick for my own repository, but it can't be found.
I wouldn't use newer versions, as they might not fully root causing you to possible brick your phone in the long run (been there, got the T-Shirt)
If you have a ZV4 or ZV5 baseband V, instead go here:
xda-developers - View Single Post - [App] [26.04.2011][v1.2] GingerBreak APK (root for GingerBread)
Select the Gingerbreak-v1.20.apk from the list of attachments. This needs to be downloaded from the browser on the phone, with any antivirus apps uninstalled (they think it has a virus and won't allow because of the way the exploit is structured). If the stock browser isn't capable of downloading it try something like Dolphin browser.
Once downloaded go to menu/settings/applications/development. Make sure the debugging box is checked.
Back out one level and make sure you check the "allow unknown sources" box (it has been a long time since I was in the stock ROM so if it is not there, check in the security section)
With a good file manager move the Gingerbreak.apk to the root of the SD card (/sdcard).
Tap or long press the .apk until you see the option to install. Do so.
After install select done, and back out of file manager.
Go to the app drawer and select the app.
This could take anywhere from 30 sec. to twelve minutes. My second V took almost 10 minutes, third (the spare) only took 30 sec.
You know it worked when your phone auto reboots. If after 12 minutes it doesn't, pull battery and try again.
It could take anywhere from 1 attempt to as many as ten (second V took 5 attempts).
If you have a ZV9 baseband V let me know (different Root exploit is needed).
After your rooted then you have to install a custom recovery and make a backup of your Stock ROM using the backup option.
For more info go here: