How to Stop App Update?


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Aug 22, 2012
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I have my apps on manual update and after the maps update to Ver 7.01 I went back to Ver 6.14 for primarily the lack of my places & ease of accessing offline maps.

Now when I get updates Maps keeps showing up & I would like to use update all.
Is there a way to turn off updates for an app besides just not ticking it in the update list list? I don't want to see it in the list of updates. Can't find a method.


AC Moderator All-Star
Nov 25, 2010
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I believe that is the only way. You have either the option of auto update or manual. From there you select it in the list or when installing a new app at that time you can select to have it auto update or not.

serge gracovetsky

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Jul 20, 2013
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My nexus 7 is continuously trying to update its Gmaps with version 7.02.
That version does not permit stored maps. It can only work if there is a data link to access the maps. That is not possible in many situation.
The Gmaps version 4.14 that came with the Nexus 7 permitted off line maps and was very useful when you visit places where you do not have any data link.
So I found myself continuously uninstalling Gmaps version 7.02 and replacing it with the original factory installed version 4.14.

This is an unnecessary hassle. The solution would be to disable the automatic update of Gmaps.

I have no way to even have the choice of the manual installation. I understand someone said it is possible. Please be specific. I have no visible method for so doing.

My other question is why has Google reduced the usefulness of its Gmaps application by restricting its use to situation where a data link is available ?

Thank you