HOX Vs SIII (Video)


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Nov 10, 2010
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This guy is a comedian. I have NEVER seen him review a phone that was actually in his hand

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May 1, 2012
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he sounds real smart.. When the review starts with a huge yooooo I usually turn it off lol

Even more annoying when he ends with "I'm out". All of those ridiculous hip-hop style hand gestures are quite annoying too, particularly in a product review, for a product he's never even touched.

However, I agree with the premise that HTC One X is a much better looking phone the GSIII.


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Oct 9, 2010
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Even more annoying when he ends with "I'm out". All of those ridiculous hip-hop style hand gestures are quite annoying too, particularly in a product review, for a product he's never even touched.

However, I agree with the premise that HTC One X is a much better looking phone the GSIII.

Hmm, didn't see any "hip hop gestures". To be fair, he's reviewed several Samsung phones in the past and has given them good remarks.
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Feb 29, 2012
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OK.. a few points to be made here..

First, the idiot with the review is a Mac person in case nobody paid attention to the fact that he had an iPad and iMac behind him, so of course, he was going to dis anything not made by Apple. And I agree that anyone that has a brain at all, should not be reviewing phones he has not had in his physical possession and used for several weeks. End of story.

Secondly, the drop tests are what anyone would expected. Since all smart phones have glass screens, Gorilla or otherwise, they're going to break. I think that's what cases are for?

I don't think it's fair to judge the GS3 yet since it JUST came out to the public a couple of days ago, while the HOX has been out for almost a month. Secondly, there are plenty of people on this forum who aren't thrilled with the HOX, though they're probably in the minority according to opinion polls on phone review sites.

Regardless, the GS3 is a very advanced phone made by the leader in Andriod phones, who has also been the ONLY company that has challenged Apple with success. The 'next iPhone' is REALLY going to need to be something to challenge both the HOX and GS3 in my estimation. Having owned an iP3G for almost 4 years now, I'm DONE with Apple and their money grubbing ecosystem..

Anyway.. my $.02 :)
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Apr 27, 2012
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Both phones have pros and cons, no point saying your phone is better than another, because its not.

18min comparison.



(Awesome screen)
Better colours
Better white
Much brighter
Better outdoor visibility
Super Fast boot time
Text wrap browser


Great black levels
Speedy browser
Higher bit rate video recording
Sdcard slot
Removeable battery
Bigger battery
Better gaming performance***

My only disappointment with the video was testing the camera, he didn't do it - he tested video only, and as the SGS3 is set by default to a higher bitrate, the results were obvious - however, even in the video recording, the HOX produced the real-life colours (the grass was just too green on the sgs3) and based off both 'post your photos threads' - the HOX clearly has the better camera, its wide angle lens with f2.0 aperture cannot be matched.

*** GTAIII has known performance issues with tegra3 (but not with last years tegra2),
so gaming test was definately flawed - ie. mass effect runs at 60fps on both devices.

His app loading tests saw winners for both phones.

I stand by my screen, camera and design opinion to be better on the HOX.

The drop test also is a big failure on the SGS3, and it should be noted the HOX is only running 4.0.3 android with a gingerbread based kernel still.

Both have pros , both have cons and its just plain wrong to say one is better than the other as arguments can be made for both devices. (If you do not think so, you are seriously deluded)

.... or I could just be one of those users who say everything is better on one device. LOL

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