htc desire


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2010
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Yes, the desire will have Sense. When will it hit? my guess is Summer 2010 to Early fall 2010. And my reasoning for that is, the Nexus one will come out before but only a few months.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
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you see this all the time, verizon will get a euro phone and tweak it a bit. I look for the incredible situation to be just like the hero situation last year. The HTC incredible will be very, very similar to the desire. Just like the eris is very similar to the hero. Sadly, we all know what happens when a euro phone comes out, we usually have to wait a few months. I just hope they start rolling out the 2.1 update before that so we cam get a little taste of the new sense experience. Not to mention I would love to have navigation.
I think the Incredible will make me hold off on getting a nexus. I have to admit, given the option, I would choose sense ui over stock android.

Roy Aguilera

The back on this looks like an inside out pool. Kills it for me.


phone addict
Nov 8, 2009
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Its a nice phone but I don't know if I want to jump in heads first just yet. I think the n1 will stay atleast one update ahead of the pack as a development and early test phone. And if that's true ill go for the n1 if not come on desire


phone addict
Nov 8, 2009
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I think this would be the phone to break my wife of her love for the iPhone. They just need to launch it so she can play with it


Jan 31, 2010
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Its a nice phone but I don't know if I want to jump in heads first just yet. I think the n1 will stay atleast one update ahead of the pack as a development and early test phone. And if that's true ill go for the n1 if not come on desire

And, moreover, HTC is not really known to be a company with long, extended support for older devices. Take a look at their product page: products from 2, 3 years ago do no longer receive any support.

Other thing why I want the nexus and not the desire is the fact that HTC has left out the noise cancellation and voice features. In "return" you get the hideous, unstructured Sense UI, which I don't like because it seems less intuitive and customizable than the native android UI with its clear structure.

Moreover, this proprietary UI implies that HTC will need some time to adapt new android releases and, in consequence, will not update the ROMS when a new version arrives.

I want the nexus for this: Google for now only has 1 flagship and they will want to keep their costumers satisfied. Plus, their is no extra tweaking to the UI involved, which will make faster updating possible. If the nexus would turn out to be restricted to the markets it is available to at this time, I would say: Desire: pick up stock android and come to papa!