You flash CM to Evo 4G LTE? Did you just flash supersonic, or what, because I looked on, and, but found nothing for 4G LTE. I'm not sure I know how to use that site, though.
I would like to know more about getting custom ROM's for this phone. So far my searches have allowed me to flash a viper rom (not sure if there's more than one viper), and freshEVO. Viper seemed too much like stock, for my taste. In fact, I thought I didn't do it right. Maybe I got better battery life, and didn't notice.
I just flashed freshEVO, and there are many things I noticed that I like, but would love to experience cyanogenmod, to see what it's all about.
I just re-read the description to freEVO, and it sounds like it has a lot of bloatware removed, so maybe that will make me happy.
A friend told me that the way to know if I can flash CM, is that I have to know the name of my kernel. I don't see any mention of that on Does anyone know how to browse based on name of my kernel? ...and what's the Evo 4G LTE's kernel named? (when I look in settings, it just gives a number).
Thanks y'all.