HTC Hero 2.1? Eris Next?


Apr 6, 2010
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I saw the announcement about the Hero getting 2.1 early May. Since the Hero and Eris are almost identical...2.1 for Eris should be around then as well.

Maybe I'm assuming too much. Wish Verizion would get off it's ass and announce it already.:)


Active member
Mar 30, 2010
I was just going to post this... Just beat me by a couple of mins. I was also going to add, It is not up to the phone manufacture to release it the update is it not? I was told or had read it is up to the Phone supplier... (I.E. Verizon)


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Jan 11, 2010
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I'm guessing they've worked out the kinks of having 2.1 with the Sense UI.

Is that time frame for the Hero even reliable? I read they've pushed back that 2.1 update a few times.

That'd be super if it came to our Eris!!!


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Apr 12, 2010
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Well I talked to another Tech Support guy from Verizon today. The story I got from him was 2.1 will be out for the Eris within the next 30 days(Anytime in between) unless they find more bugs with it. From what he said they have been testing 2.1 for a while now and when they find problems they have to report it back to HTC and HTC has to address the problem before it can be released. So looks like to me its a testing game then a back and forth between Verizon & HTC until everything runs smoothly. Hopefully this will be the finished product and we will get it within this time frame I was told but who knows. I contemplated Rooting to 2.1 but I'd rather wait till an official OTA that way everything works as it should.

At least this is the 3rd Tech support person from Verizon that has told me that the Eris will definitely be getting 2.1 and all have had about the same ballpark time frame. Hopefully this will be the last delay for a long awaited update for all of us Eris owners. I know I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


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Oct 17, 2009
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being that the incredible is coming out with 2.1 soon, i can see the eris update dropping shortly.

it's up to the manufacturer to develop updates to the phone(s) but esp with verizon, it's up to the carrier to approve the update.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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Well I talked to another Tech Support guy from Verizon today. The story I got from him was 2.1 will be out for the Eris within the next 30 days(Anytime in between) unless they find more bugs with it. From what he said they have been testing 2.1 for a while now and when they find problems they have to report it back to HTC and HTC has to address the problem before it can be released. So looks like to me its a testing game then a back and forth between Verizon & HTC until everything runs smoothly. Hopefully this will be the finished product and we will get it within this time frame I was told but who knows. I contemplated Rooting to 2.1 but I'd rather wait till an official OTA that way everything works as it should.

At least this is the 3rd Tech support person from Verizon that has told me that the Eris will definitely be getting 2.1 and all have had about the same ballpark time frame. Hopefully this will be the last delay for a long awaited update for all of us Eris owners. I know I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Great news! I may be close to getting off my BB Tour if my local Verizon Wireless store sticks to its word (in doing me a favor I never expected them to do) and replaces my busted Eris (which has no insurance) ... trying to help them empty their shelves before the Droid Incredible takes over!


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2009
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even though this is annoying waiting im happy that they are being really anal about making sure there are no problems... cant wait for it

Andrew Ruffolo

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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Its not only Android phones they delay releases for. The pre is delayed with their release due to it hanging on VZW's shoulder's to approve. Thats a device they shouldn't have touched.