HTC Rhyme


Sep 23, 2011
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Hi all,

I saw the video for the HTC Rhyme the other day and instantly thought it would be a perfect device for my girlfriend, who is due for an upgrade soon. I make a special effort every day to remind her how bad her blackberry is. So, what are your guys' opinions of the phone and how do I convince her to convert (she thinks she has the option to stay with bb :)) ? I look forward to hearing your responses. Her favorite color is purple btw.


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Feb 21, 2011
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I think its a nice phone for someone who doesn't want 4G and isn't a techie. And I definitely think its marketed to the ladies, despite what the reviews say. As a woman, I personally would not but this but then... I'm a techie


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Apr 28, 2011
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i am looking to get this for my first android phone. There are 2 things that really caught my attention:

1. the wireless charging dock that it comes with out of the box
2. It is a World phone (both GSM and CDMA radios (pls verify this)

Currently using a webOS phone, hope this fits the bill


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Sep 4, 2011
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My favorite comment I've seen so far regarding this phone is "this may be a phone that I can recommend to the sort of people to whom I would normally point iPhone to." As a girl with a "dumbphone," I've been digging around Android sites trying to decide if I would be overwhelmed by Android and should just settle for an iPhone - this phone says no. It looks easy to use and out-of-the-box attractive, which is a big selling point for me.

Trying to convince your gf that she doesn't like her phone may be an exercise in futility :p but for me, Sense 3.5 looks awesome, the size looks perfect, the accessories are thrilling (yes, I'm even excited about the charm), and if the reviews show it to be everything it looks like it is, this may be what I upgrade to when my contract runs out.
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Jan 14, 2011
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This phone sounds like a solid phone and I agree, it seems to be a great alternative to the iphone. It has about everything you need for a really nice phone including updated Gingerbread. All it needs is to be 4G and have the dual core and techies (both male and female) from all over would be buying it. As for the whole "this phone is for a girl" thing. I would get one for my daughter, but it would be the silver one that I seen around, she doesn't like pink. I just want to get an extra charm for me, because my phone DOES get lost in my purse. It sinks to the bottom. How do I go about getting an extra charm??;)


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May 1, 2010
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Picked one up via verizon online the other day for the wife who was using the Thunderbolt with the extended battery. This phone is perfect for her. It's essentially an Incredible 2 in a purple body minus the world capabilities. Performance wise it is on par with both the tbolt and the inc2 from a day to day use standpoint. Obviously without 4g the Internet isn't as fast but for the size and battery life it's fantastic. Definitely a chick phone no doubt so if someones lady is looking for a very good performing android based phone this is definitely one to look at. One downside is the lack of a removable battery. It is built in and cannot be keep that in mind if you are a heavy user.


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Aug 24, 2011
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i am looking to get this for my first android phone. There are 2 things that really caught my attention:

1. the wireless charging dock that it comes with out of the box
2. It is a World phone (both GSM and CD MA radios (pls verify this)

Currently using a webOS phone, hope this fits the bill

The wireless charging dock is not like the palm for charging. The phone has contacts that connect when you drop the phone in the charger. It does connect with bluetooth and has speakers which is cool.

Your going to hate android compared to web OS. It's a clumsy operating system at best. The calender and email programs bite, the only advantage of the email is the ability to select multiple messages to delete, other than that it sucks. Contacts has groups but after that its all down hill.
The only plus that I have found over palm is hardware and apps.


Jan 20, 2011
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Just setup my wife's Rhyme for her last night. Pretty decent Android phone. Some Verizon bloatware on it, but has the 8GB SD card pre-installed and the dock is nice. Can be used for playing music or as a speaker for the phone when you make/get calls. The interface seems nice and quick, although I'm not a big fan of the "Welcome" widget. She's going to use it today and then we'll see what we need to tweak for her. Otherwise all the typical HTC stuff is there. It did take a few tries to get the Market to start up, not sure what that was about. The battery seemed to hold a decent charge overnight, way better than my TB.


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Oct 8, 2011
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Hi all,

I saw the video for the HTC Rhyme the other day and instantly thought it would be a perfect device for my girlfriend, who is due for an upgrade soon. I make a special effort every day to remind her how bad her blackberry is. So, what are your guys' opinions of the phone and how do I convince her to convert (she thinks she has the option to stay with bb :)) ? I look forward to hearing your responses. Her favorite color is purple btw.

the best way to get someone to change to another phone is to make a deal like i did tell thenm if they dont like it they can switch back and you will never bother them again ge tht e phone based on signal and what they will be using also buy a memory card for any apps of media the person might want good luck;)


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Aug 9, 2011
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I just bought one for my girl yesterday, and she really likes it so far. She came from a Samsung Fascinate (a very pretty, but awful phone), and wanted something stable, cute, fast, takes good pix, and is facebook-friendly.
The one thing that she did like about her Fascinate was the Swype text input method.
HTC's text input options include a similar thing called Trace. It works with texting and facebook, and she's happy with it.
Poor girl had nothing but trouble with her Fascinate - especially since the Froyo OTA update (freezing up, reboots, missed calls).
I even rooted it and tried several ROMS, but nothing really seemed to perform the way we thought it should. Anyway, the marketing guys at HTC deserve some serious props for the design of the Rhyme. Totally chick-friendly Droid.
Last night it was great to hear her happily shout "Baby, I love my phone! Thank you!"

Funny part is our phones are almost identical now, because the ROM I'm using is running a tricked out version of Sense 3.5 as well (Joelz's Runnymede Prime 3D). My Incredible doesn't have quite the hardware to run it as well as the rhyme, but it does alright .

Sent from my Prime 3D Incredible using Tapatalk


Sep 29, 2011
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I have a few questions about this handset:
- does it have a gpu?
- will it get ics?
- does it have more app space than old models like original the wildfire and desire models?

Planning to get this for the other half but she wants to ensure she can have all the angry birds on her phone and have it run smoothly.


Apr 19, 2011
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It has an Adreno 205 GPU. It has 4GB of memory and only 1GB may be usable, but it includes an 8GB card. It should work fine as long as you remember you're not getting a RAZR or other top of the line smartphone. HTC hasn't made any announcements about ICS other than the Rezound (which isn't out yet). It's a newer phone but it's a lower-end phone, so it's a crapshoot.


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Jul 27, 2011
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The only plus that I have found over palm is hardware and apps.

And a future, unfortunately. I was a huge fan of WebOS...but I dumped my Palm phones for Android about 4 days before HP's "no more hardware" announcement. WebOS may rise again...but I'm not waiting for it in the meantime.

I am really liking Android - have an Incredible 2. If not for my Dinc2, the Rhyme would be the perfect phone for black. Or even silver, I suppose.


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Sep 4, 2010
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I bought this phone as a surprise for my girlfriend and she loves it. Easy to use out of the box, once you sit down with her and show her all it is capable of and the customization options, she won't miss her BB one bit.

On a side note, we are having issues with the software. I have researched and can't find where anyone else is having the same problems we are. The market is the old version and won't update, and the location and time is way off. Pretty sure it is just a freak thing and we're getting the phone replaced for a new one today.

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