HTC sample camera pics.

Here is hamdir post from XDA with link to his photos. He was an early tester for the U11.

here are my first photos from the U11<br />
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keep in mind that the album is sorted by date, so the older the image set the older the firmware, latest software added more color saturation and warmness<br />
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to really appreciate the U11 camera you need to check them at 100% <br />
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99% of these images are HDR Boost (improved HDR+) early software almost always chose HDR, latest software changed that but since that i opted to keep HDR always on! its that good.<br />
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IMAG0947-2 and IMAG0599 are zoom and crop! so be sure to check those to appreciate how good the camera is for crops or zoom (like DXO mentioned)<br />
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IMAG0529-c and IMAG0756-c are of great importance because they show how the camera freezes moving subjects even with HDR boost<br />
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IMAG0944, IMAG0946-2 and IMAG0947-2 are the only ones taken with the latest software, they are meant to show the low light detail, all of them taken after sunset