Huawei Cloud help

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Jul 27, 2023
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Could do with some help.

Probably going to upgrade phone in next few months but have a lot of photos and vids in the Huawei cloud.

I have paid for extra storage which now I'm not sure I needed and have just taken out a new, smaller storage plan as its due to expire but upon paying, it is has only bumped it by a month whereas I wanted less storage, for longer at a cheaper price!! Am I stuck with a gold plan forever that I don't need?

If I cancel it will it delete all my stored photos? I think, unfortunately, the Huawei cloud is the only place some of my photos and videos are stored before I realised what was happening!

Ultimately, I would like to get them off the Huawei cloud and onto another cloud (Google maybe?), is this wise? If I get rid of this phone and get another brand, can I still access my Huawei cloud from a browser and see my photos there?

Any help appreciated, thank you.
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