Huwaie P10 Email client and this VIP thing??


Jun 21, 2015
I got my new Huawei P10 phone recently and after setting up the native email client I am being faced with the following 'issues'.
I hope I will be able to explain to the best of my ability as to what is happening:

Android OS: Nougat 7.0

I set up three email accounts and all three emails were set up correctly and I was able to send and receive.
I always prefer to see the Unified View of all three email accounts in one screen.

The set up has created a VIP email address of it own accord which is getting on my nerves as follows:
When I click the back button to get out of my Unified view, I am getting back to the so-called that one single email account, otherwise called theVIP account, and it is taking me a few clicks on the top left corner to get to the menu to select again Unified view.

That one account (THE VIP) is staying separate to the other two accounts on the Menu and when I click on the VIP account, the content is empty.

Let me clarify things by giving these accounts names:

The set up is somehow deciding randomly to call any of these accounts as the VIP account and its contents are empty of any emails.
However, I am in fact receiving emails on all three accounts and all these accounts are appearing on the All Inboxes view. When click to go back or try to close the email client, I am being taken to that wretched VIP accounts Inbox.. Then only after a few clicks on the top left corner where the three lines are, I am finally reaching the menu to re-do the Unified view (All Inboxes).

I then deleted all the accounts and redid using Other option from the email set up list. My previous one was set up under Exchange. The same thing happened again under the Other option.

BTW, all three of my emails are IMAP emails: two ending with and the other ending

I tried to find something under the settings of the phone's email client to get rid of this VIP account which, in itself, is empty of any emails. I did not find anything to delete this VIP account.

All I want to do is the following: After viewing all my emails in the Unified emails view, when I exit the email app, I would like to exit rather than being taken to the inbox of this VIP account.

I beg your pardon if I have been unable to explain my issue properly. I will be happy to give other details.
Many thanks.

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