Having made the switch from YouTube music to Plex, I'm never going back and I have ZERO regrets. Spotify is so much worse than youtube music, but both desire to take music, and our control of it, out of our pockets to be hidden away and eventually slapped behind a paywall. Now that all my favorite songs and, everything else I've ever listened to, are in Plex, I know I own my music and can listen to what I want when I want. Plex even has synced lyrics like YouTube music does, except I can get lyrics for ANY song, not just the ones Google likes or scraped lyrics for.
This sort of stuff reminds me of making the move away from iTunes when it became apple music. I had originally liked iTunes, it let me import all my CDs and stuff and sorted things nicely... Then they tried to paywall my own music from me, then they made it impossible to download, then they deleted all unofficial music and forced us to download a U2 album. Google used to allow custom music as well, but since merged those onto drive or wherever, where the new youtube music music cannot see them.
Spotify is just Facebook levels of evil, can't pick your songs, ads every so often, not even a full music selection and so much spam music and bs algorithmic marketing. I still use youtube music to find a new song every so often, and Shazam.
Long rant short; Get Plex(or jellyfin but it was too slow for me) and get happy, leave the streaming wars behind.