I must be unlucky

Nov 25, 2015
I bought my z5 premium last nov when it was launched in japan. My screen went pink strips in jan 2016 but was fine after i softreset the device, than the headphone jack died in feb 2016, went the device in for repair and was fixed.

Fast foreard to end july the phone could not connect to my asus AC router even if i am standing in front of it only restart will help. Also the bluetooth had intermitten sond distruption when i am connect to my car audio systems which i did not have before marshmallow update.

On aug 21 st my headphone phone jack broke again and i have to sond my device again for repair, and i told the service staff all the issues i had and this time sond changed the mother board, screen, side cover/frame..... So now i have almost new phone and i hope i will not have any issues with it for a while.....
Let's hope!;) Maybe you should buy a lottery ticket--your luck has got to change!
Ok, my headphone Jack stopped working, but I'm reluctant to have it serviced by Sony as they charge a hefty fee if they deem it was "your fault" after all!
Ok, my headphone Jack stopped working, but I'm reluctant to have it serviced by Sony as they charge a hefty fee if they deem it was "your fault" after all!
I wonder how can they blame you for their hardware failure? As they told me the something that it may cost $10/- to $800/- and I told them it's under warranty and I am not paying a single cent..

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