I think that the $120 increase from the regular Pixel to XL is a bit high


Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
This year, Apple increased the difference between the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus to $120, but looking at the differences :

Display : Pixel increased by 0.5" and nearly doubles the resolution ;iPhone increased by 0.8" and nearly doubles the resolution.

Camera : Pixel and XL have the same camera. IPhone 7 Plus gains a second telephoto camera and portrait mode

Ram: Pixel and XL have same ram. iphone 7 plus has 50% more ram.

Battery : Pixel battery size increased 25% on the XL. IPhone 7 Plus increased by 48% over the iPhone 7.

I don't really see how Google justified the $120 price increase simply by increasing the screen size and battery size, where Apple had more substantial increases.
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Yeah agree..I was in such a hurry to place the order didn't even notice the price for the 128 GB pixel XL. $943.73 after tax ... Damn

Google hopefully you better deliver on this one. Choosing financing said I'll know decision after 2 days or something. I'm like hell no, bought immediately with credit card since I knew it'll be out of stock pretty soon.

Expensive phone this one.
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Seems to me the iThing can charge whatever they want with their cult following. On the other hand ~90% of the population has no idea what a Nexus device is, let alone a Pixel device. Either I'm dumb as a box of rocks or Google seriously miscalculated demand for the Pixel, stay tuned. :D
Seems to me the iThing can charge whatever they want with their cult following. On the other hand ~90% of the population has no idea what a Nexus device is, let alone a Pixel device. Either I'm dumb as a box of rocks or Google seriously miscalculated demand for the Pixel, stay tuned. :D
This world has gone CRAZY. Paying $950 after tax for 128 GB is insane. I don't even need 128gb but smart google didn't give us 64gb. Very nice. Thank you, I'll give my 6P another year of love.
This world has gone CRAZY. Paying $950 after tax for 128 GB is insane. I don't even need 128gb but smart google didn't give us 64gb. Very nice. Thank you, I'll give my 6P another year of love.

Just remember, something is only worth what your willing to pay for it, no more no less. On the bright side availability should be no problem!.........:cool:
Just remember, something is only worth what your willing to pay for it, no more no less. On the bright side availability should be no problem!.........:cool:

Well the 128 gb are sold out from Google...though not sure how many they had to begin with.
Well the 128 gb are sold out from Google...though not sure how many they had to begin with.
Aw man, they sold all one thousand of them? I feel like Google has low supply every year in order to make it seem like demand is higher. It's smart, but I doubt many people will buy this phone.
The black pixel xl 128gb is still available, but between the phone, protection and shipping you're looking at like $1000+ sheesh!!!
its like doubled from last year but I still bought it.. I just hope that HTC can deliver on the hardware you know the nexus 9 was trash... Any thoughts?
I see no pricing issue, but the increase in size price jump seems a bit much. 120 more? That's dumb when everyone else does 100 even
I'm not seeing the basis for the pricing structure, but I'm leaving open the chance that it will become clear after the handsets are in use.
I see no pricing issue, but the increase in size price jump seems a bit much. 120 more? That's dumb when everyone else does 100 even

Exactly my point. Apple does $120 but you are getting a lot more increase.
Yeah agree..I was in such a hurry to place the order didn't even notice the price for the 128 GB pixel XL. $943.73 after tax ... Damn

Google hopefully you better deliver on this one. Choose financing but that crap said I'll know decision after 2 days or something. I'm like hell no, bought immediately with credit card since I knew it'll be out of stock pretty soon.

Expensive phone this one.
Right 950 total is crazy lol
Phone better be worth it hah
I agree the pricing is way too high for the features offered on the phone. I do not believe it is better or even as good as the iPhone 7 Plus or Note 7 orther than offering the latest version of Andoid. Apple can charge those prices because they are the ONLY way to get IOS on a phone. Android is available everywhere and there are many affordable phones with high end specs. This will be a fail for Google but hopefully they will learn. I did order one because I want to see the phone in person but I fully expect to return it and get a Note 7 instead during Black Friday. If I was Google I would have subsidized the phone and launched pixel at 499 and XL at 599
Exactly, Nexus and Android users ( myself included) have done alot of complaining and **** talking on how much apple charges for their phones over the years.

Now Google does the same thing. To order the XL 32gb would be over $200 more than I paid for my N6p a year ago.
There is nothing with this phone to justify that.

It's getting hard to tell the difference in isheep and Android fans now.
The $120 premium for the larger size doesn't bother me. It's the other aspect of their pricing that bothers me. This is serious price gouging, but I really think the phone will sell well simply because it has a "G" on it. I just wonder how this will effect OEM's.

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