Ics confirmed for thunderbolt!


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Feb 27, 2011
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Personally, I hope they take their sweet time. Or, don't do it at all (since if they do it'll be forced). The folks over in the GNex forums are having all sorts of issues that I'd rather not deal with. Maybe after three or four updates it'll be okay. I dunno... my TBolt is sure stable and smooth. I wouldn't want to trade that for a less than stable/smooth ICS.

Also, personally, I think the rep that eluded to ICS coming for the Thunderbolt was blowing smoke. And that would be just fine with me.



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May 27, 2011
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Personally, I hope they take their sweet time. Or, don't do it at all (since if they do it'll be forced). The folks over in the GNex forums are having all sorts of issues that I'd rather not deal with. Maybe after three or four updates it'll be okay. I dunno... my TBolt is sure stable and smooth. I wouldn't want to trade that for a less than stable/smooth ICS.

Also, personally, I think the rep that eluded to ICS coming for the Thunderbolt was blowing smoke. And that would be just fine with me.




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Jun 29, 2011
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By the time HTC pollutes ICS with Sense and VZW poisons it with apps nobody wants and cant be removed ICS won't remotely resemble ICS.

If they actually put vanilla unadulturated ICS on our bolts I see no reason to believe they won't be a smooth as butter.


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Feb 27, 2011
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By the time HTC pollutes ICS with Sense and VZW poisons it with apps nobody wants and cant be removed ICS won't remotely resemble ICS.

If they actually put vanilla unadulturated ICS on our bolts I see no reason to believe they won't be a smooth as butter.
Tons of people like Sense. I do. One thing I've noticed while lurking in the "Pure Vanilla Google" phone forum is all the previous HTC Sense people are asking... how do I do such and such, where is the such and such settings, what happened to the such and such functionality. Only to be told that they need to download yet another "app" to perform that function. It's a rude awakening to a lot of people just how much they like and have been relying on functions built into SenseUI.

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Jun 29, 2011
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I agree that Sense LOOKS great but it isn't fast and smooth because it uses up too much resources.
If you love it as is wonderful! I would like the OPTION to have vanilla ICS or AOSP in which everything works as it should. Current roms derived from partial code from other phones will always have some bugs.
There's nothing wrong with trying to make aosp LOOK like Sense because then you can pick and choose ONLY the Sense elements you like. That way phone looks cool but can still be faster and smoother and use less power.
If you had quad core processors with the speed and memory of gaming computers Sense could run fine. As is it uses up too much of our processors resources imo. No question Sense is the prettiest UI
There is actually a developer working on the skyraider rom who is trying to remove as much Sense as possible while retaining the key elements allowing navigation and verizon sign in engine to work properly. Could be pretty cool.


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Jul 12, 2011
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...just a note as someone that has ICS devices Prime and GNex, most people haven't thought to do it but you can remove any app on ICS without root now, you just get a message that tells you you shouldn't remove preinstalled apps, so I am not to worried about them destroying it with apps I won't use as for sense I just hope they take a step back and realize the ICS UI is pretty nice on its own just Leave the Sense widgets and all will grand


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2011
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Unless something has changed I don't think ICS will be on the thunderbolt soon. I say that because Android 2.3.6, sense 3.0 and MR4 radios will be coming to the thunderbolt Very soon. I'm posting this from a leaked version right now.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2011
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Unless something has changed I don't think ICS will be on the thunderbolt soon. I say that because Android 2.3.6, sense 3.0 and MR4 radios will be coming to the thunderbolt Very soon. I'm posting this from a leaked version right now.
Agreed on ICS. Question: When should we all start incessantly poking "Check New" for software update? :D



Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
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I think by time they get ICS to the TBolt, most of us (old users) will have already moved onto a phone that is running ICS or Jelly Bean. I think HTC/Verizon will promise and promise us it saying it is coming....and then the excitement will die down and then they will make an announcement that since the TBolt is old, they won't.

just my 2 cents. Personally, I am running smooth with my TBolt...a glitch here and there, but nothing major!

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