ICS Screen landscape


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2010
I really thought that the screen would rotate to landscape so I would not have to run a different launcher.

Was able to download and install ICS today in AM. I'm in So Cal.
Ok, Gunna answer my own question.

"Ultimate Rotation Control"
By: FaMe IT

I installed it. put it on "forced auto" setting, and it works great. So I bought it. No rooting. A tad laggy but works good.

No more launchers to gain this feature.
Thanks for posting this. I'm very interested in hooking up a Droid RAZR Maxx via HDMI output to a second TV then controlling it via bluetooth mouse, bluetooth keyboard, and bluetooth headset. When I did this with ADW (sans HDMI) on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Verizon) I found that the sound stuttered. So I'm hoping that if I switch over to the Droid RAZR Maxx with ICS that I won't have the problem I had before - that the home screen switches to portrait while many applications properly switched to landscape.

Anyone else done any testing with using the RAZR Maxx or any other phone in landscape attached to a TV and controlling it via bluetooth keyboard/mouse?
Thanks for posting this. I'm very interested in hooking up a Droid RAZR Maxx via HDMI output to a second TV then controlling it via bluetooth mouse, bluetooth keyboard, and bluetooth headset. When I did this with ADW (sans HDMI) on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Verizon) I found that the sound stuttered. So I'm hoping that if I switch over to the Droid RAZR Maxx with ICS that I won't have the problem I had before - that the home screen switches to portrait while many applications properly switched to landscape.

Anyone else done any testing with using the RAZR Maxx or any other phone in landscape attached to a TV and controlling it via bluetooth keyboard/mouse?

I've done it and it works just fine. Some of the downloaded apps will have some issues but for the most part they work normally. I've even run games on it. Some of the native apps work better on the large screen.

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