If the iPhone came out for sprint, would you ditch the NS4G?


May 18, 2011
i drank the apple juice long ago and have a house full of apple stuff. iPad, iPod touch, and a couple of Mac computers. I wound up with the Nexus because I didn't want to switch to another carrier. I'm pretty happy with it and honestly don't know if I would switch. I think in the end I would very seriously consider it though.

Lol I would never ever go to iphone . I think android has more potential.....and mods

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i drank the apple juice long ago and have a house full of apple stuff. iPad, iPod touch, and a couple of Mac computers. I wound up with the Nexus because I didn't want to switch to another carrier. I'm pretty happy with it and honestly don't know if I would switch. I think in the end I would very seriously consider it though.


Although I looked at the new OS5 features and what not: Although I thought to myself hey not bad; I remembered most of this my phone already has.

Also, I'm pretty sure it's confirmed now iPhone 5 is coming. And for your answer of if I would switch: I took an iMac circa 2006 that I found in my basement. It runs Ubuntu 11 now; OS X is no longer installed.

---Apple Sauce---
If it had wimax yea I would. I feel that android starts to become unstable at times.

Lmao do you hear your self saying that over an over again

Well how can you even say that bro the nexus s has double the mhz then iphone has I think that the nexus s is not laggy man Iphone slows down when you jailbreak it lol im just saying learn about the phone I think I been learning more about android then iphone I use to work on iphone and jailbreak and its not as fun as doin a android another thing iphone dont have is swype android is killing it with the keyboarb but alot of people is not goin to get the hang of it but look how the os5 is now coming out with notification drop down come on give credit to android they been in the game for a long time .....just saying

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Simple answer. No. Honestly I would go back to a BB before I'd ever own a fruit phone.
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I would consider it. But I would not pay full price for an iphone, so I cant upgrade until march 2013.
nope never...id rather go t back to a zack morris phone lol before getting a iphone
i know this is android fanboy central, so i figured that would be about the response. i should add that the nexus is my first endeavor into the smartphone world, so when it came time to upgrade, i was basically limited to sprint's offerings. i think moving from regular phone world to the 'intellectually relevant' phone world is a dramatic leap, regardless if one winds up with a green robot phone or a fruit phone or a windoze phone. i've been more than happy with the nexus, but i can't say with certainty that i would have been more or less happy with the iphone. if/when it becomes available for sprint, i'd look strongly at the switch. fancy keyboards, jailbreaking/rooting don't mean as much (to me) as a platform that is stable, and apps that enhance life.

what's so special about android that makes you want to avoid the fruit phone? is it because they're 'different'? the buttons at the bottom?
My main problem with the fruit company is they like to dictate what you do and how you do it. Starting with fruit tunes and their restrictions and hoops you have to jump through to get music/video purchased to play on other devices all the way up to their phone. I love Android for that simple reason, its open source. Nobody is standing there saying oh you can't run this or that.

The fruit company needs to come off their high platform of rules and regulations and maybe just maybe they might gain a little more face. Regardless of this happening or not I will never own one, I had the chance my wife wanted one and I talked her out of it. Her work wanted to give her one, I told her I wouldn't have anything to do with it so if it breaks or freaks out don't look at me to fix it.

This is just me but I just don't like the boundaries placed on anything fruit based.
You mean "when" the iPhone comes out for Sprint next month, and the answer for me is no.

I didn't even ditch the Nexus for a dual-core phone with at least a 4 inch screen with a 4G radio that came out last week, why would I leave the Nexus for a phone that probably won't even have all of that next month?
If I could have the iPhone 5 hardware with Android (and have it work perfectly), I'd get one but not with iOS.
Ill debate it if they bring the screen up to 3.7-4 inches.. Love android but also love ios so I would have to look at the pros and cons. I have an ipad 2 and love it had a xoom before and hated it. But out of every android phone I've had the nexus hands down is the best. Love the size,screen and pure Google expierence.
Well iPhone 4 announces 10-04.

And about your ipad xoom tab thing. They both suck. Windows 8 tabs are going to be awesome. The future of computers. Android tabs are gimmicks. And ipads are worse.
I would definitely consider switching if only because my NS4G drops 3g connection all the freaking time and it's annoying as hell. I work with someone who has one and they have the same problem. Sprint had her update her profile and everything - same issue.

I love the phone's form factor and the screen is fantastic. Unfortunately all of that means squat if you can't keep a data connection.
If you think your Nexus drops 3G, wait until you have that apple phone in your hand and make calls. My wife's apple phone can't hold a call to save it's life!

I had the 3 (not 3GS) for almost two years. Got TOTALLY bored with it. Then when all the soccer mom's started walking (and driving) around with it I said to myself, "Well, HELL no"!

I'm just speculating, but the must have phone is going to be the next Nexus and it's going to hit before Christmas (that's all guessing). THAT'S the phone to have. I'm leaving Sprint and paying their fine it they don't get it.
I will not go back to the IOS platform. It is too boring for my taste and too simple.

When i did have an iphone, i always ended up jailbreaking it and still got bored with it. With android, i never get bored. There is always soemthing different that you can do with it with all the updates and different launchers you can choose from. I will remain with Anroid for a good long while.
I would definitely consider switching if only because my NS4G drops 3g connection all the freaking time and it's annoying as hell. I work with someone who has one and they have the same problem. Sprint had her update her profile and everything - same issue.

I love the phone's form factor and the screen is fantastic. Unfortunately all of that means squat if you can't keep a data connection.

What OS build are you running? 2.3.5 fixed this for me. I had the same issue in 2.3.4.
Android for life.

No but seriously Apple makes some damn fine products. I just like Widgets too much.

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