If you are sick of all the white in the UI


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
I've tried several dark themes. Zero Dark looks really nice in my humble opinion

This is my favorite.
Does anyone know of a theme that is essentially stock, but with a dark background in Settings? I want to keep all the font and icons as stock.
Does anyone know of a theme that is essentially stock, but with a dark background in Settings? I want to keep all the font and icons as stock.
After you install the theme of your liking in the Theme Store, you can go into the icons tab and install the default icons.
After you install the theme of your liking in the Theme Store, you can go into the icons tab and install the default icons.
One of the nice things about using Nova Launcher is that when you try different themes it doesn't change the icons
One of the nice things about using Nova Launcher is that when you try different themes it doesn't change the icons

I absolutely love Nova Launcher! I switch between Nova and Touchwiz. I have been on Touchwiz ever since I updated to Nougat and did a factory reset. This is the longest ever that I have continuously used Touchwiz. I still have my Nova backup when ready;-)

They have some great S8 icon packs coming out in the Play Store if you are into that sort if thing, My favorite icon pack is the Grace UX icon pack. The same creator just came out with a really nice S8 icon pack.
What is the name of the theme and icon pack you have here? And did that battery icon come with either the theme or the icon pack?
It's called metal gear and it dose theme the icons also. As for the battery icon you have to root your device to do that. It also has a live lock screen.

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