As a Verizon customer for 24 years, this is one of the reasons I took one of my lines and am trying out Google fi. It's been a week and so far has been awesome. Coverage everywhere and, in some places, stronger than Verizon. My bill is going to be about half that of Verizon and I never got charged an activation fee. I simply pay $ 20.00 /MO. for unlimited talk and text, and $10.00/MO, per gig. The great thing is that even if you're not at home, if you're in a public wifi area with a good signal, fi hooks you up to that automatically AND Google encrypts so no one can decipher. You must use a Google nexus phone. But that's Ok. I'm using a 5x,and it's excellent. My Verizon phone is an S7 EDGE and the nexus keeps up just fine. You can ever n get a data only sim for another device like your tablet that will allow you to piggyback off your data allowance of your phone with NO EXTRA CHARGE. VERIZON CHARGES $20..00 MO.