I'm so pissed at apple!


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Apr 17, 2010
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I'm a Us-Iranian citizen and seeing apple to refuse to sell to US-Iranian people is so racist!
I'm a US citizen as well as iranian citizen , how rude apple people can be?!


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Mar 26, 2011
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"Iranian" is not a race and discriminating against them doesn't make anyone "racist", although it may make them an @sshole.


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Dec 3, 2009
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Why would you be pissed at Apple for following US Government rules? You should direct your anger at the current Iranian President as well as it's Supreme Leader.

They are the ones taking Iran down a path of sanctions and hardship for your fellow Iranians.


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Mar 29, 2012
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Two ways to look at this story, as I'm seeing it's being reported in two different ways.

To refuse to sell it to her seeing as she is a US citizen is simply a racist store employees way to use apple policy to further a personal agenda of hate. From what I read of apples policy it follows the US embargo by denying sales going to the country of Iran, I did not interpret it to ban sales to American citizens because of their heritage.

The other way to see this is that some news agency's are reporting that she was admitting she was buying the ipad as a gift for a family member that does live in Iran. In this case without explicit government approval she is breaking a US law, which as a legal US citizen she should respect.

I don't care what kind of phone you use, that's not how I judge someone's worth or intelligence. Sent using tapatalk 2.
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Apr 17, 2010
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Why would you be pissed at Apple for following US Government rules? You should direct your anger at the current Iranian President as well as it's Supreme Leader.

They are the ones taking Iran down a path of sanctions and hardship for your fellow Iranians.

What you say is partially right but the embargo is on Iran's government and let's say people who live in IRAN , not the people who have been living here for the past 10 years and are US citizen.:)


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Two ways to look at this story, as I'm seeing it's being reported in two different ways.

To refuse to sell it to her seeing as she is a US citizen is simply a racist store employees way to use apple policy to further a personal agenda of hate. From what I read of apples policy it follows the US embargo by denying sales going to the country of Iran, I did not interpret it to ban sales to American citizens because of their heritage.

The other way to see this is that some news agency's are reporting that she was admitting she was buying the ipad as a gift for a family member that does live in Iran. In this case without explicit government approval she is breaking a US law, which as a legal US citizen she should respect.

I don't care what kind of phone you use, that's not how I judge someone's worth or intelligence. Sent using tapatalk 2.

Yeah I'm agreed with you , but just because they were speaking farsi together it doesn't mean they want to send it to iran , and I believe it is so rude to ask people what ethnicity you are and when they say they are iranian(persian) apple reject them .
After all there are a lot of persians out there who own apples shares and the funny part is one of their assistant managers in the company is persian!!!
after all screw apple! :cool:


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Dec 3, 2009
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What you say is partially right but the embargo is on Iran's government and let's say people who live in IRAN , not the people who have been living here for the past 10 years and are US citizen.:)

True, but this still affects U.S. Iranians who want to send gifts such as this back to family members..

And it's not on all Iranians, it's on specific members of govt, the Revolutionary Guard, all their banks, and some areas of their consumer/industrial sector.

The normal guy running a coffee shop isn't being embargo/sanctioned, but he's feeling it in his wallet because of high prices of gas and food because of the banking sanctions.

Heck, Microsoft and Sony can't even allow Iranians to use their Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 SDK because that's sanctioned! I read a huge article on it, so the entire video game industry in Iran is computer based.

I feel bad for the Iranian people that are going through this because of what the President and Supreme Leader are doing.

I know this is kind of off topic, so I apologize.


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Nov 16, 2010
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No disrespect but how is this relevent to android?

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Haven't you heard? Anti-Apple threads can be posted anywhere on an Android forum.

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Apr 5, 2012
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Haven't you heard? Anti-Apple threads can be posted anywhere on an Android forum.

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I wouldn't care if it was anti apple if it was a civil discussion or a debate with android in the topic. This is not that.

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Apr 17, 2010
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I wouldn't care if it was anti apple if it was a civil discussion or a debate with android in the topic. This is not that.

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Sorry I just couldn't find any better place on the forum to share it with you guys .


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Apr 5, 2012
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Because I'm a android user and I feel here as a home , so I wanted to discuss this shame with all my friends here!

Sorry if my comment came off as rude or disrespectful. May I suggest such topics go in the android central lounge, which is under the other forums section.

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Sorry if my comment came off as rude or disrespectful. May I suggest such topics go in the android central lounge, which is under the other forums section.

Sent from my Droid Incredible running CM7

no worries bro , I just didn't know where to share it I guess :)


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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Yeah, Apple screwed the pooch on this one. Who cares if she's buying it for her family back home. It's not Apple's job to stop that transaction, it's Customs job.

All Apple has to do here is just sell it to her, despite what she says. Bad policy if this is one.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2012
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Yeah, Apple screwed the pooch on this one. Who cares if she's buying it for her family back home. It's not Apple's job to stop that transaction, it's Customs job.

All Apple has to do here is just sell it to her, despite what she says. Bad policy if this is one.

That's not actually true. The sales associate, store, and apple are all legally responsible if they sell an individual an embargoed item that ends up in a country like Iran. I believe the fine for the associate is something like $250k and possible jail time. If they have any suspicion at all, they are not supposed to sell it to those customers.

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