I'm so pissed at apple!


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Feb 15, 2012
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What you say is partially right but the embargo is on Iran's government and let's say people who live in IRAN , not the people who have been living here for the past 10 years and are US citizen.:)

It is against the law to send embargoed items to a country like Iran, and it is against the law for stores and companies like apple to sell products to those individuals if they know they will break an embargo.

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Apr 13, 2011
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Apple or the apple store employee is in no way liable for this. For all they know anyone can buy an iPhone and give it to their Iranian friend or take it to the country themselves. It's not a legal binding any way you look at it.

This is simply Apple being elitist snobs as usual.


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Nov 16, 2011
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Apple or the apple store employee is in no way liable for this. For all they know anyone can buy an iPhone and give it to their Iranian friend or take it to the country themselves. It's not a legal binding any way you look at it.

This is simply Apple being elitist snobs as usual.

Wait...what? Lol.


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Jan 15, 2011
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23 posts and nobody cites the actual restriction? Holy Cow, I know I keep sounding like an old guy, but for Pete's sake people, doesn't anyone even try to understand the issue before blabbering about it?

Here ya go:
...goods, technology, or services may not be exported, reexported, sold or supplied, directly or indirectly, from the United States or by a U.S. person, wherever located, to Iran or the Government of Iran. The ban on providing services includes any brokering function from the United States or by U.S. persons, wherever located. For example, a U.S. person, wherever located, or any person acting within the United States, may not broker offshore transactions that benefit Iran or the Government of Iran, including sales of foreign goods or arranging for third-country financing or guarantees.
In general, a person may not export from the U.S. any goods, technology or services, if that person knows or has reason to know such items are intended specifically for supply, transshipment or reexportation to Iran. Further, such exportation is prohibited if the exporter knows or has reason to know the U.S. items are intended specifically for use in the production of, for commingling with, or for incorporation into goods, technology or services to be directly or indirectly supplied, transshipped or reexported exclusively or predominately to Iran or the Government of Iran. ...

There is more, but that is the meat of it. The bolding and italics were done by me to bring your attention to some key points.

Knock yourself out reading the whole thing here: http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Documents/iran.pdf

This is simple people. Just read the letter of the law. There is no gray area here and it's written in a way that anyone of even moderate intelligence can understand.

Bottom line: If you sell an iPad to an Iranian student, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know the iPad will eventually wind up back in Iran. Unless, of course, you assume every single Iranian who ever walks into an Apple store will not be going back to Iran (a ridiculous assumption). The store clerks did the right thing. Cut him a break. He wasn't racist. He wasn't racially profiling anyone. He was mandated to act as he did by Federal law.

There is no reason to be upset at Apple for this. If you want to be upset, be upset at the news media for sensationalizing this completely out of proportion.

Let me understand this. We have Federal sanctions against Iran. You go into a store, speak Farsi and identify yourself as an Iranian, then you get surprised and insulted because you can't buy something.

Maybe they should try to go to their local flight school and book time on a passenger jet simulator. They'll be in for another "surprise".

This is one of those things that make me say "Wha...?!"
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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2012
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Apple or the apple store employee is in no way liable for this. For all they know anyone can buy an iPhone and give it to their Iranian friend or take it to the country themselves. It's not a legal binding any way you look at it.

This is simply Apple being elitist snobs as usual.

That is not correct. I suggest you read the law. There are civil and criminal penalties that apple and their associates (and any US retailer or business for that matter) will be subjected to if they sell merchandise that ends up in Iran and they knew or had suspicions about it.

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