INSANE battery drain


New member
Oct 23, 2012
I've been getting crazy battery drain over the last month and I don't know what to do. For instance, my phone has only been off the charger for 4ish hours with not even 2 hours screen time and I'm already at 25%, I've lost 7% in the time it's taken me to screenshot my battery usage and type this out...

I'm not sure how to post pictures in this thread so I'm going to upload photos and link them in a following post.

I've factory reset, I've deleted all newer apps and tried to disable a few others to track down the culprit. Just on my 20 minute walk to work almost 20% drains-
I have to top up my battery 3-4x a day now just to get through the whole day.

I'm at a complete loss of what to do, getting so angry I'm debating selling this phone and going back to Nexus because I've never had problems like this before!
This sounds terrible, I'm so sorry. This kind of battery drainage is not normal for healthy batteries. It is possible that maybe your battery is corrupt, or that there is some other issue at work here. How old is this phone? Are any parts of the hardware under warranty? I would contact your carrier/the store from where you purchased it and ask for their suggestions.

But, yes, posting a screenshot of your battery drainage will also be a good way for us to specifically see what is draining your battery so quickly.

Good luck!
I posted links to pictures above!

I looked up my purchase date and I'm JUST outside of my warranty so I'm really pissed off :(

I'm at a loss of what to do now *sigh*
I posted links to pictures above!

I looked up my purchase date and I'm JUST outside of my warranty so I'm really pissed off :(

I'm at a loss of what to do now *sigh*

Sorry about that!

Oh no! That's unfortunate! I would still call them or contact them to see if they can do anything for you. Maybe give you a battery at a reduced cost, or at least compensate you somehow. That kind of a drain shouldn't happen, especially if you just purchased the phone.
Mine is doing the exact same thing. It also started within the last few days. I suspect its software related.
Very interesting. The same thing has been happening to my S6 edge+. Without any major use the battery within 3 to 4 hours my phone drains down to about 10 to 15% left on the phone I will see what they say

I have one day left on my warranty.

I noticed in the S7 edge group some are complaining about battery drain there also, and some believe it is due to Occulus, which I had installed. I didn't see that before I sent my phone in, or I would have tried to remove Occulus from the phone to see if that had any effect.

I will follow up in this thread as soon as I get it back from Samsung

Here is the link for the S7 edge which discusses their battery drain:
This is a follow-up for my phone draining very quickly.

I sent my S6 Edge plus in to Samsung because battery was draining quickly, even in Samsung, and they fixed the following:

Original Problem:

Problem found:


Not sure exactly what was replaced, and the generalized information only indicates they found something and fixed it.

Phone was in pristine condition, never dropped, or damaged, but I am glad they found something and fixed it
I've been having the same problem. I turned off disable my email stock one that came with device. that helped a lot but the drain can be crazy. this has been going on now for the past 3 mo.