I've been getting crazy battery drain over the last month and I don't know what to do. For instance, my phone has only been off the charger for 4ish hours with not even 2 hours screen time and I'm already at 25%, I've lost 7% in the time it's taken me to screenshot my battery usage and type this out...
I'm not sure how to post pictures in this thread so I'm going to upload photos and link them in a following post.
I've factory reset, I've deleted all newer apps and tried to disable a few others to track down the culprit. Just on my 20 minute walk to work almost 20% drains-
I have to top up my battery 3-4x a day now just to get through the whole day.
I'm at a complete loss of what to do, getting so angry I'm debating selling this phone and going back to Nexus because I've never had problems like this before!
I'm not sure how to post pictures in this thread so I'm going to upload photos and link them in a following post.
I've factory reset, I've deleted all newer apps and tried to disable a few others to track down the culprit. Just on my 20 minute walk to work almost 20% drains-
I have to top up my battery 3-4x a day now just to get through the whole day.
I'm at a complete loss of what to do, getting so angry I'm debating selling this phone and going back to Nexus because I've never had problems like this before!