iPad or Tab

Thanks for the input, looks like the wife is getting a tab instead of a pad for xmas!

Hmmm...this has got me thinking and reminds me of an old story.

Back when my daughter was a toddler, I would pop her on the hand whenever she messed with the TV remote control on the coffee table. But she just had to touch it, so she got slick and learned that if she picked it up and handed it to me instead I would get a kick out of it and just laugh.

I think I'll be picking up and handing my wife a Tab for Christmas. :)
I'd have to go ipad. Even Google says android isn't ready for tabs yet.

Sent from my HTC Evo 4g
I have an Evo (first day) and an iPad. For me, a 7" device is either too big or too small, but if I had a phone with a smaller screen it would be different.

In addition, the diff between tablet apps and up-sized phone apps is significant even on the iPad. Android devs now have to cope with a number of different, non-os-supported tablet resolutions right now. Give it a few months to get Gingerbread into play and some market shakeout.

Having said that, right now Samsung is the only real option, and if iPad didn't exist I would have one.

Do you have an Android smartphone?

yes i do, HTC Incredible and love it, my and daughter also have Android phones, i also have two Apple computers so i'm open to both OS's.

I toss both Galaxy and iPad for about a week, when the Galaxy came out , i went for the Android, returned it the next day, and got the iPad WiFi and love it. JMO

The Galaxy and the iPad are both too big to carry on your waist or in your pocket, the 7 inch fits in your hand, but the 10 inch screen is nice and is basically the size of book, and viewing web pages, games, or photos are great.

I had my Galaxy and found some Apps not fitting/filling the screen because most android apps are design for cell phones (3-4 inch screens).

Apple Computers and the ipad since i have both... are user friendly, their OS i like no other, steve jobs is a genius who is a excessive control freak and rightly so, and, who wants his OS/products made to his satisfaction.

If you watched his Bio video, how could you not buy a product from someone with so much drive for perfection and imagination that started in a car garage. Again JMO

Buy the way... i don't miss Flash

Everyone has to make up their own mind.
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I'm going for an iPad, and WiFi tethering with my Evo. I've seen and held both, but I feel the iPad will be better for my needs - mostly eBooks, media, games and web surfing.

Sent from my HTC Evo 4G using Tapatalk Pro
I am going to sell my iPad and buy the Tab. Just fits me better. Love the iPad but want the Tab fits my needs better.
...If you watched his Bio video, how could you not buy a product from someone with so much drive for perfection and imagination that started in a car garage. Again JMO...

LMAO! You're right- Apple product success has nothing to do with the DESIGNERS of the hardware or the OS... neither of which credit is due to Steve other than marketing.

He's great at taking credit on the shoulders of some truly gifted engineers.

Ever hear of these guys?
Steve Wozniak: Steve Wozniak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jony Ive: Jonathan Ive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm a mac guy myself- and while Steve's drive is what helped the company come back to form- he'd be nothing without the guys that MAKE the products- he's no John Carmack who still proves he's at the top of his industry tech wise, despite being the figurehead of his companies.
Tab, why buy an ipad just cause the apps dont fit yet,,,, cause when the software catches up you will want the tab then you will end up spending double the money from buying both. think long term.
Its funny when people knock on the tab for:

1) apps not fitting...Spareparts fixes a lot of those...also ever heard of Facebook on Ipad?

-I dont know iOS' scaling abilities, but I am actually impressed how robust android is with handling different screen sizes. its very impressive whereas iOS just blows things up. Again I don't know if iOS can and just doesn't rescale better (not a dev here, but I do know a little about coding).

2) Browser - get Dolphin HD, problem solved

HOWEVER, before calling me a fanboy, I have owned and returned 2 Ipads, and 2 Tabs....right now I have nothing. Both are great, but I am waiting for either:

Adam, Motorola tab with Honeycomb, Tab 2, or Ipad 2
I'm seriously considering getting the Tab..I love the Android OS and the size would be perfect for me..
I have the same setup. iPad tethered to my nexus one. Prfect combo in my opinion. I find the screen size of the tab too small and as much of an android lover as I am, I have to admit when it comes to tablets android just doesn't cut it at the moment. Gotta wait for honeycomb and google to put out their vision for android tablets. Maybe then I'll switch because I prefer the android os in general I.e. On phones Its an amazing os
I have Marriott pts burning a hole in my pocket and made the mistake of playing with an iPad yesterday. I travel cross country about 6 times a year as well as more frequent regional air travel. I have a rooted EVO and love it. That said, the Tab seems like a slightly bigger EVO. Also, did I read that you can't even buy a wifi only Tab? I'm going iPad for this one.
I have both the ipad and the galaxy tab as well as a HTC Evo. I gotta tell yeah, the ipad is basically useless to me now. Its only good for certain games and for watching movies on Netflix. Other than that, we don't use it.

For the people that say the g tab is too small, its really perfect. The iPad is huge and heavy and can't be used easily outside of the house or office. Its also very limited on what it can do, which IMHO cripples the iPad.

For those that are looking for a wifi only version: There is a option with Sprint that has no contract and is does not require a 3G connection. You pay more for the tab upfront, but there is no contract and you can cancel the service at anytime. This effectively makes the tab wifi only. I believe a few other carriers allow this as well.
Oh yeah, lets not forget the iPad does not have decent multitasking, which is a must for a tablet of any sort. Especially if its to replace a laptop. Android is a multitasking machine.
I have to admit when it comes to tablets android just doesn't cut it at the moment. Gotta wait for honeycomb - can you add more? What exactly doesn't cut? All apps I've install open fine, no black borders. Browsing, book reading, email, calendar, youtube, widgets - all works great. What exactly should honeycomb bring to tablets that's missing now?

For the record, I have an EVO, tab and an iPad (which is not being used anymore).
Had the iPad since last April, and just got my Tab today. I will give the Tab a 30 day trial, and hopefully I will switch over.

I like the fact that the Tab is more portable. I will have it with me all the time so that's a big factor for me.
I own the iPad and now a Tab and I have to say that the Tab is by far my favorite. It is easy to carry and does everything that I need it to do. I run my sales business on the Tab and it is fantastic. If you are on the fence, get the Tab. I can't wait to see what the Tab will be in a couple of years. My Laptop will go bye bye.

I gotta be honest, I was really excited to hear about the galaxy tab coming to the states. Then they blocked the phone (the hw is still there, and in fact vzw's version uses the phoen to activate itself!) which pretty much killed it for me as it meant I was still going to have to carry around 2 devices. But I'm on the go a lot and a 10" tablet jsut isn't protable enough for what I need.

Even thos the tab has dropped in price now ($399 for sprint's version, $499 for vzw's no contract), it's still more than I want to spend on it for what it currently does, considering I can get a netbook for the same money with a lot more functionality.

However, one option that I have recently found is the nookcolor. At $250, for an inexpensive tablet that I can tehter wirelessly to my phone and use as an e-reader (service manuals), browser (product research), and rdp client (I use rdp for accessing Quickbooks in the field), I can live with a little bit of rooting fun to make it work.

Just another option that folks may want to consider until the next generation of Android Tablets comes out.
Everyone that says they don't use there iPad any more I'll buy it from you at a good price if you don't use it lol. The tab is far behind the iPad right not. The web browser is a joke compared to the iPad. It is not as smooth as the iPad when surfing the web. I have them both and I cant wait until they update the tab with a andro system that was mention for the tab not a phone. If you really have both then you know what I'm talking about. The tab is cool but to me it seem like it was rushed and not ready. I love my evo will never go back to blackberry. But the iPad is like the evo and the tab is like a blackberry right now.

Its still cool to have but can not even compare to a jailbroke iPad but then again this is a andro forum lol most here will have their knee pads on and talk about how awesome the tab is lol.
Its still cool to have but can not even compare to a jailbroke iPad but then again this is a andro forum lol most here will have their knee pads on and talk about how awesome the tab is lol.

Meanwhile....you have a little Apple juice on your chin....
Everyone that says they don't use there iPad any more I'll buy it from you at a good price if you don't use it lol. The tab is far behind the iPad right not. The web browser is a joke compared to the iPad. It is not as smooth as the iPad when surfing the web. I have them both and I cant wait until they update the tab with a andro system that was mention for the tab not a phone. If you really have both then you know what I'm talking about. The tab is cool but to me it seem like it was rushed and not ready. I love my evo will never go back to blackberry. But the iPad is like the evo and the tab is like a blackberry right now.

Its still cool to have but can not even compare to a jailbroke iPad but then again this is a andro forum lol most here will have their knee pads on and talk about how awesome the tab is lol.

Lol. The iPad is basically obsolete, if it weren't for it's abilities for watching movies and playing games and that's only because of its larger screen. I have both, btw. I enjoy real multitasking, as I actually use my devices.

Try Dolphin HD, its just as smooth as the ipad's joke of a browser(just because its smooth, doesn't mean its better). I need to be able to see the whole internet, not just some if it. The Tab wins all the way around.

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