IPhone 4 to android help


Sep 10, 2010
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Ok guys I have an iPhone 4 currently and I need a change but there are a few things that are holding me up on doing that.and I can't find clear answers on these questions. I started with iPhone 3G then BB bold 9700 and back to iPhone with ip4. One of my reasons for switching back was BB Total lack of Mac support. Is there or how is the Mac support with android and captivate? BecUse I just love how well my iPhone works with my MacBook. Also how long with samsung be supporting the captivate. I see android phones coming out left and right. And I wanna know can I count on the captivate getting all future android os updates for about 2 years? BecUse I can count on it for my iPhone and that's when my next upgrade will be. And I don't wanna get a phone and it. Stop getting updated after only a few months. If I. Could get some answers I'd greatly appreciate it. :)


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May 6, 2010
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You don't have to worry about Samsung, they are a great company and your phone will receive updates through the current/latest (2.2) and the next version of android. even the version that is coming after i believe gingerbread, you could probably flash to your captivate. as far as it working with mac, you will be able to do everything you need to do. you install 98% of your apps directly through your phone so you don't need to use yor laptop. there are plenty of apps available for syncing and gmail syncs automatically. i use doubletwist for music and media. remember, you can do just about anything you want with a captivate eg, customize, root, custom roms (alternate versions of os's) its extremely hard to do anything extra with the iphone.

btw, if you have a samsung hdtv w/allshare, you will be able to sync the media on your phone with yor tv as well...


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
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Is there or how is the Mac support with android and captivate?

Mac support? Why would your Mac need support from a phone? :D

Android is not like Apple. You don't need iTunes to support an Android phone. You never need to hook it up to your computer. There is an App called Astro, which will allow you co copy files back and forth via wifi.

I never hook my phone to my computer any more. I did once, just to drag my entire iTunes Music Library over to the Captivate. Dragged the whole thing. It all works just fine. I no longer do it that way. I just use Astro,

Other than that, perhaps if you could explain what sort of support you were looking for we could make some suggestions.


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Jul 18, 2010
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You have not said what you want to do with your phone. Are you looking for equivalents to iSync, MobileMe, iTunes? Android makes different assumptions:

1. it syncs over the air with Google - Contacts, Calendar, Gmail
2. it can mount the phone as a disk if you turn USB debugging on (2 disks if you have a Micro SD car installed).
3. You can drag and drop files - music, movies, pictures, docs just like you move files around your machine - no waiting on iTunes

Just a few examples, but you can do anything on a mac you want, but it is a bit different then using iTunes. If you must have the iTunes experience, there is Doubletwist for mac, but i have had poor results with it on windows.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2010
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ok i got it with debug mode but where do i drop music and pictures? there ae no designated music and picture folder

pictures go in /sdcard/DCIM
and music goes in /sdcard/Music or /sdcard/sd/Music if you have an external card. But If you use DoubleTwist it handles the where stuff goes parts automatically

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