Is Honor 8 a better value than iPhone 7?


Sep 13, 2016
I saw the Honor 8 at Best Buy and really liked it. However, it seems like it is priced to high. If I bought an Honor 8, in a couple years I probably would get like $35 trade in value for it. Compared to an iPhone 7 32 Gb, which cost $650, I would get at least $200 for. So the money I save up front for the Honor 8, I would lose in a couple of years when I trade it in. Also, if the iPhone 7 breaks, I can go to a Apple store and get a replacement under warranty. If the Honor 8 breaks, I'm out of a phone. I really like the Honor 8, I am hoping they drop the price by $100 like they did with their watch. I own the Huawei watch and got it because it was such a good deal. The Honor 8 not so much...yet. Does anyone think the Honor 8 is a better value than a iPhone 7, S7, G5, etc.? If the value is the same, isn't the iPhone 7 the automatic winner because of specs and software updates?
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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2016
I personally will go for honor 8, iOS is quite complex (music transfer, no file manager...etc)


Sep 13, 2016
That's understandable, but what if it were a S7 or HTC 10 I was asking about? If there is no difference in value, shouldn't I just get a phone that has better support, specs, and trade-in value? There are alot of really nice mid-range phones out now, but when I think about getting one, I can't justify the cost yet. They cost less, but it doesn't make them a better deal.
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2016
Looking at it the way you are looking at it, you should just go with the iPhone. The iPhone is one of the few phones that hold their value very well. There are few Androids that hold their value in the same way.

The Honor 8 is a nice phone, but the way it seems like you are looking at this, there might not be a point of trying the Honor 8.
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Sep 13, 2016
I guess that is why I am asking. I want an excuse to buy the Honor 8, but can't justify it yet.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
650-200 = Loss of $450

400-35= Loss of $365.. or if you don't sell it... loss of $400

So if you're buying a phone based on final cost after you sell it... You're better off buying an Honor 8 and keeping it in a drawer (or donating it) once you're done with it. It drives me nuts when people say, "you will get that money back when you sell it" because you wont.

It sounds like you want an iPhone. IMO the Honor 8 (or, frankly, any of the $400 Android phones) is a better value, because I wont be tortured with iOS and everything else Apple. The hardware you're getting is comparable. It comes down to preference. Not used sale price.


Sep 13, 2016
I'm using the iPhone 7 as an example because it just went on sale. Given your numbers, is $85-$100 in savings worth it? My apprehension has to do with the unknown. I have never owned a Honor, OnePlus 3, Axon 7, Moto X type phone. If it were to break I would probably be better off just buying a new one. That would erase any savings in buying one of those brands. Also, over time some phones slow down and need bugs fixed. Will an Honor 8 get software patches and updates like a major brand will? If the Honor 8 were just alittle cheaper it would be a no brainer for me as I like the style, size, and Android OS.

Jared DiPane

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2010
If you are basing it all on resale value, then iPhone is always the way to go. Very few phones hold value like they do.

There is way more that goes into a purchase though. You'd be better off comparing the Honor 8 to the iPhone SE though as they are around the same price, etc.

With all that said, yes, the Honor 8 is an incredible value. If you are looking for something that will be updated for the full length of two years, and quickly, the iPhone may be the way to go. If you want a cool dual-camera set up and more customization options, the Honor 8 is what I would pick.


Sep 13, 2016
The Honor 8 is a better phone than the iPhone SE. I was also comparing it to the iPhone 7 because of the screen size being about the same. Where the SE is smaller. I think I might just get the Honor 8 and chalk it up as a learning experience if I don't like it, but it does seem like a really nice phone to me style wise, camera wise, and with the Nova Launcher attached.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
Honor has stated they will be supporting the 8 going forward for two years (security updates quarterly, android and important security fixes as quickly as possible). They are also working with XDA to get aftermarket support going for their processors.

Whether they stick to this or not... I really hope they do. It's about time for an OEM to take proper care of their customers.

With Moto... If you want an update, buy the new phone or GTFO ;)


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
The Honor 8 is a better phone than the iPhone SE. I was also comparing it to the iPhone 7 because of the screen size being about the same. Where the SE is smaller. I think I might just get the Honor 8 and chalk it up as a learning experience if I don't like it, but it does seem like a really nice phone to me style wise, camera wise, and with the Nova Launcher attached.

What do you use the phone for? I have an Honor 8 and am currently selling my Samsung s7 Edge and also had a Note 7 which I returned due to battery-gate. I use my phone for both business and personal use. Performance and battery life is important to me and the Honor 8 is better at both, at least in my experience. I also use a lot of google services and staying on the android platform is key for me as those integrate so much better than on iOS. I like that I have more control over what is and isn't on my phone, unfortunately that is not the case on iOS.

Ultimately I would not buy a phone based on what the resale value would be, I would see what device would better support what I want to use it for.


Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
Bang for the buck, Sure the honor 8 is currently a better deal at the moment... But resell is important too... The iPhone 6 still sells used for around $300. You can also trade in your iPhone 6 and get the iPhone 7 free over 24 month bill credit. So essentially the iPhone 7 would only cost you whatever the iPhone 6 is worth now, but you are locked into 2 years...


Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
Honor has stated they will be supporting the 8 going forward for two years (security updates quarterly, android and important security fixes as quickly as possible). They are also working with XDA to get aftermarket support going for their processors.

Whether they stick to this or not... I really hope they do. It's about time for an OEM to take proper care of their customers.

With Moto... If you want an update, buy the new phone or GTFO ;)

Well their updating of the usa honor 5x has been very slow. Hopefully they improve with the 5x.


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
Bang for the buck, Sure the honor 8 is currently a better deal at the moment... But resell is important too... The iPhone 6 still sells used for around $300. You can also trade in your iPhone 6 and get the iPhone 7 free over 24 month bill credit. So essentially the iPhone 7 would only cost you whatever the iPhone 6 is worth now, but you are locked into 2 years...

Resale is only important if you actually sell your old phones though.

Mine end up as spares or hand-me-downs.


Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
Resale is only important if you actually sell your old phones though.

Mine end up as spares or hand-me-downs.
That's a good point... So for you it doesn't matter. But I have too many phones that I must get rid of older ones.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2011
So, it really all depends on what you want in a phone. Simply asking if one is better than the other doesn't give us much of an idea. Price is definitely one factor however there is also operating system, updates, carrier, multimedia, expandable storage, how important is iMessage or FaceTime, really what do you use your phone for and do you mind not being able to say "I have an iPhone"


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2015
I saw the Honor 8 at Best Buy and really liked it. However, it seems like it is priced to high. If I bought an Honor 8, in a couple years I probably would get like $35 trade in value for it. Compared to an iPhone 7 32 Gb, which cost $650, I would get at least $200 for. So the money I save up front for the Honor 8, I would lose in a couple of years when I trade it in. Also, if the iPhone 7 breaks, I can go to a Apple store and get a replacement under warranty. If the Honor 8 breaks, I'm out of a phone. I really like the Honor 8, I am hoping they drop the price by $100 like they did with their watch. I own the Huawei watch and got it because it was such a good deal. The Honor 8 not so much...yet. Does anyone think the Honor 8 is a better value than a iPhone 7, S7, G5, etc.? If the value is the same, isn't the iPhone 7 the automatic winner because of specs and software updates?

My wife just switched over from an iPhone 6 to the Honor 8. She loves her honor more than the iPhone for a few reasons. Battery life, Android wear capabilities with the gear s2, call quality is better, and the camera on the Honor is better.

It's a big transition for her since she's been on iOS for about 5-6 years now, but overall she is happy.

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