I saw the Honor 8 at Best Buy and really liked it. However, it seems like it is priced to high. If I bought an Honor 8, in a couple years I probably would get like $35 trade in value for it. Compared to an iPhone 7 32 Gb, which cost $650, I would get at least $200 for. So the money I save up front for the Honor 8, I would lose in a couple of years when I trade it in. Also, if the iPhone 7 breaks, I can go to a Apple store and get a replacement under warranty. If the Honor 8 breaks, I'm out of a phone. I really like the Honor 8, I am hoping they drop the price by $100 like they did with their watch. I own the Huawei watch and got it because it was such a good deal. The Honor 8 not so much...yet. Does anyone think the Honor 8 is a better value than a iPhone 7, S7, G5, etc.? If the value is the same, isn't the iPhone 7 the automatic winner because of specs and software updates?
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