is it really worth not getting a note 7 over another phone?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2015
We are switching to AT&T from Verizon. Just looking quickly at the prices, it seems like you only save about $10 a month going to a average phone under the note 7 or S7. Can anyone explain this? Am I wrong? I mean everything is lease now and not contract. Thanks
Well, 10 bucks a month over 18 or 24 month leases add up... Not sure what the prices are being quoted there, but unless you have to make a down payment, you shouldn't be paying the same for an S7 Edge than for a Note 7, for instance. It's not going to be a 10-dollar difference, but there should be a difference.
If you need the pen, the Note (any Note - I'm still on a 3) is a great phone. If not, compare features, picture quality, whatever is important to you. No one else can decide if a particular phone is better for you, there are too many personal variables.
I am not getting a phone I don't like to save a few dollars a month. Figure out what your biggest need is in a phone then go from there. Some people only want larger screens, others want the best battery life, some want the best camera. There are a lot of phones out there that are a jack of all trades and master of none.
The S7 is older and there are some differences (battery is one) from the Note 7. The S7 Edge is closer to the Note 7, but still an older phone. S8 rumors and talk is out now.

Contacts meant you paid some upfront, still paid on the phone after your contact was over, and you didn't know what you were paying. Most people return their phones with early upgrades, so leases are preferred. I don't know if AT&T offers a chance to buy the phone outright, but you could check into that if you're interested.
The S7 is older and there are some differences (battery is one) from the Note 7. The S7 Edge is closer to the Note 7, but still an older phone. S8 rumors and talk is out now.

Contacts meant you paid some upfront, still paid on the phone after your contact was over, and you didn't know what you were paying. Most people return their phones with early upgrades, so leases are preferred. I don't know if AT&T offers a chance to buy the phone outright, but you could check into that if you're interested.

ATT Next phones are buy to own, not leases. Although you can buy out at any time, and there's never a final balloon payment as can happen with a lease.
ATT Next phones are buy to own, not leases. Although you can buy out at any time, and there's never a final balloon payment as can happen with a lease.

From what I read, if you don't pay it off, you're basically "leasing" it. If you upgrade often and not wealthy, you're not going to pay it off and own it. It's like my tmobile Jump! program.
We were going to go to Best Buy to get them because they had them in stock. Then they said we have to send our Verizon phones in ourselves to AT&T. Also, they can't do the work discount there I have to call AT&T. So I called the local AT&T store and they said... Oh I'll get 2 in for you and I'll have them tomorrow. After I called them a bunch of times....long story short she can't get them for me. Then she said the other AT&T store near me has 2 of them. So I go there and they don't know what she was talking about, they don't even have any in stock and if they did they could not sell me one via AT&T corporate rules. They are for replacement only until they get the heads up. So basically someone is lying.

So i call best buy back up and we are going in tomorrow to get them there. I hope they still have some when we get there....ugh. I'm sick of All this drama already.

PS... The AT&T store did say they can do the trade in there and also the discount so at least that helps a little I guess...
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

I had to get my Note 7 at Best Buy Mobile. Some reason ATT is holding up on selling the safe Note 7's. I don't know if its my unluckiness or what but most of the workers seem uninformed in the AT&T stores I either called or visisted. I met an employee who didn't even know there were safe Note 7s in stock for replacements.
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

We were going to go to Best Buy to get them because they had them in stock. Then they said we have to send our Verizon phones in ourselves to AT&T. Also, they can't do the work discount there I have to call AT&T. So I called the local AT&T store and they said... Oh I'll get 2 in for you and I'll have them tomorrow. After I called them a bunch of times....long story short she can't get them for me. Then she said the other AT&T store near me has 2 of them. So I go there and they don't know what she was talking about, they don't even have any in stock and if they did they could not sell me one via AT&T corporate rules. They are for replacement only until they get the heads up. So basically someone is lying.

So i call best buy back up and we are going in tomorrow to get them there. I hope they still have some when we get there....ugh. I'm sick of All this drama already.

PS... The AT&T store did say they can do the trade in there and also the discount so at least that helps a little I guess...
Wow, you certainly have more patience than me...I would've lost it after showing up to the AT&T and them not having the phones.
For ATT Next you have to pay off half of the phone before you can upgrade it. So I'm thinking T-Mobiles Jump is better for users who want to upgrade more frequently.
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

Oh I'm calling the store where the girl lied to me tomorrow
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

Wow that sounds like a pain. I hope you can get it settled.
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

At&t is just following Samsung policy by exchanging only first. Your looking for Verizon of you want the company that wants the sales before the replacements.
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

Best Buy has no problem selling AT&T n7's
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

Best Buy has no problem selling AT&T n7's

This is the current AT&T policy: "Currently, the Samsung Galaxy Note7 is only available for in-store exchanges." You might find a store that will sell you one if you go in person, but most will not.

Best Buy seems to have the Black Onyx. Some stores will sell it to you if you just show up; others will only sell it if you buy it online for instore pickup.

I'm impatient for it too, but I understand that people affected by the recall have first priority. The only carrier officially selling the N7 at the moment is Verizon.
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

Best Buy has no problem selling AT&T n7's
I just got off the phone with the local Best Buy after a 40 minute hold. According to the rep I talked to, they're not selling Note 7s until the "pre-orders" are fulfilled. When I asked if pre-orders were recalled phone replacements, she said yes. She said that the recall process has messed up the online inventory so it appears there are phones in stock when in fact there are not.

I think I'm just skipping this upgrade cycle altogether.
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

Call AT&T resellers. Not corporate stores. That's how I got my blue one. Best buy also said if I ordered online for pickup I could get one.
Re: I can't believe the trouble I am having getting a AT&T N7!

At&t is very timid about dealing with the note7, I called them to check on stock and the sales lady told me they weren't allowed to talk about them...I said best buy is already selling them for At&t and then she stated they weren't going to be selling the phone! So apparently they are tight lipped about them right now

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