is the g1 out of date


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
Just read an article from about the Bge being outdated only after a year, and wanted to knohow the G1 users felt about this topic
I kind of feel like it is out-dated. Maybe the release of the Droid on Verizon helped to bring that on. I would like to get a newer device on Tmo, but I don't want to lay down money just for the sake of having a new phone. I would like to get one that will justify the cost of a new device. I would definitely like to have a better camera. And I have heard some talking about the G1 maybe not being able to handle 2.0.
I don't feel my ADP1 is outdated, running CyanogenMod 4.2.5 this thing is SO fast, still almost no lag opening apps, I have tons of apps on it on the SD card, the browser's still fast and I still get updates and 2.0 bits from CM. Camera needs a flash but that's my only real complaint.
Anything that is a year or older is out of date. Especially when it's regarding technology. Just the way it goes. Now that's not to say it's useless because it's not but there will always be bigger and better things around the corner.
Re: is the g1 out of date?

Gosh, I hope not, it has to last me at least another year, or two! Who can afford replacing an expensive phone every year?

Fortunately, the G1 was a solid performer when it was introduced and there have not been any leaps in technology in the last year. The newer models are nice but offer only small performance improvements and different configurations, nothing groundbreaking. My biggest fear is that Android OS development may stop for the G1 as the phone carriers attempt to segment the market with proprietary new models.
I don't feel my ADP1 is outdated, running CyanogenMod 4.2.5 this thing is SO fast, still almost no lag opening apps, I have tons of apps on it on the SD card, the browser's still fast and I still get updates and 2.0 bits from CM. Camera needs a flash but that's my only real complaint.

Was it hard to load cyan mod onto your G1? I tried when I 1st got the phone the other day but couldn't get past the 2nd or 3rd set of instructions where you have to load the image recovery file and so I'm still a stock 1.6 tmobile rom. Boo. Any pointers? I was using the cyanmod wiki.

Oh, and BTW, I don't feel my G1 is out of date since I've just recently came over to the Android platform from WiMo. So for me it is very much a phone that has the features that I can use the same as anybody else with a higher priced or "newer" phone. I don't have speed issues that make me yearn for a different phone at this point. But then again I don't have 50 apps running on my stock T-Mobile 1.6 install either. YMMV.
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Of course its out of date, the MyTouch came out in August and in January (five months later) the next Google phone is expected to release. FIVE MONTHS
Was it hard to load cyan mod onto your G1? I tried when I 1st got the phone the other day but couldn't get past the 2nd or 3rd set of instructions where you have to load the image recovery file and so I'm still a stock 1.6 tmobile rom. Boo. Any pointers? I was using the cyanmod wiki.

Loading CM's roms has been quite easy for me. I've probably loaded/updated 3 or 4 different ones since buying my G1 back in May. All but the last one, I had to just go off tuts/instructions off of forums. Just loaded the latest version a few days ago using the CM wiki and it was a piece of cake.

Best advice I can give would be take your time and follow the steps carefully. :D
A piece of tech is out of date as soon as it is released in real terms, simply because they have already got the next thing on the go which is gonna be better and faster.

You should only worry if something is obsolete or not. If you can still get new ROMs for it and software on the Android Market, then it is most certainly NOT obsolete.

Actually, I would love a G1 simply because it is a damn slight easier to mod than a Pulse.

I am so tempted to get that one I saw brand new no contract for ?145...


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