Is the HTC 10 priced too high?


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That's really not a fair analogy, Infiniti may not have the same cache as a Mercedes but it is not bleeding money and on the road to bankruptcy.

I don't think that HTC is as strong as a brand as Samsung or Apple, thus the car analogy makes sense to me.


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May 6, 2012
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Of course they are all expensive, starting with the over-hyped and way over-rated iphone. That's why they are all now offering payment plans and leasing options. Customers should just stop paying these ridiculous prices, that would put pressure on these guys to lower their prices and I mean all of them Apple, Samsung, Sony etc.. But everyone wants a shiny new toy every year or every other year and as long as you can just kep making monthly payments nothing will change. If people had to pay full retail at time of purchase, most would opt for less expensive mid range phones.

Thats it everyone back to the flip phones and Jitterbugs put the smartphones away or else we will come to collect them its over.


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Mar 2, 2011
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Re: Priced too high?

but that's very risky competition for a company still trying to make up for back to back years of declining sales.
yep. No phone is worth $700 these days. Apple can charge it, because they have a monopoly on iOS phones - and there's a big enough market for them as status symbols that they can sell high and sell enough to make a tone of money. Samsung, to a somewhat lesser extent, is in the same position for Android phones. A certain class of people think Samsung is the phone - and don't even know about Android. The rest of the Android market is a pretty competitive place - and that's mostly a good thing. Maybe HTC can eventually get the kind of status branding that Samsung has, but they sure don't have it now. And the One Plus Three is sure to be a pretty decent match specwise for the M10 when it shows up. Not quite as good, but for half the price...


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Oct 9, 2013
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Re: Priced too high?

yep. No phone is worth $700 these days. Apple can charge it, because they have a monopoly on iOS phones - and there's a big enough market for them as status symbols that they can sell high and sell enough to make a tone of money. Samsung, to a somewhat lesser extent, is in the same position for Android phones. A certain class of people think Samsung is the phone - and don't even know about Android. The rest of the Android market is a pretty competitive place - and that's mostly a good thing. Maybe HTC can eventually get the kind of status branding that Samsung has, but they sure don't have it now. And the One Plus Three is sure to be a pretty decent match specwise for the M10 when it shows up. Not quite as good, but for half the price...

One Plus Three will compete with the Nexus line more than the HTC 10 product.


Dec 23, 2013
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Re: Priced too high?

No, the OP's point is right on the money. At $700, HTC is definitely setting its sights on standard-sized iPhones and Samsung's top of the line. I've no doubt that both HTC and the 10 deserve to play in that league, but that's very risky competition for a company still trying to make up for back to back years of declining sales. It'll certainly help if reviewers line up to claim that the 10 outclasses the 6Ps camera as well as its all-metal body (or any other qualities). If they end up considering the 6P to be the 10's closest competitor, though, that won't be a good thing.
The phone can be had for $599 on HTC's website with the coupon that is available to everyone. Unfortunately for me "I would have bought one yesterday", is that it's the unlocked version that does not work with Verizon "damn you Verizon", who is my carrier.


Dec 23, 2013
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Re: Priced too high?

I agree htc has created a solid phone but I don't think it's on the same level as the s7 edge or even the G5. This phone has no innovation for that price tag. Lg has the modular design whether it's useful or not at least it's something to show for. The s7 edge with its curved screen and water resistance. Htc? Amazing DAC? Boom sound?

I love the product but the price is off.

This product is overpriced specially in Canada .

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The G5 is a joke compared to the HTC 10 "time to remove the dark colored shades", and the S7, well, don't get me started on that subject.


Dec 23, 2013
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Here in Canada I can get the Samsung for $399.99 on two year plan and LG G5 for $299.99 on same two year plan. However, if M10 is going to cost same as Samsung and you're a non techy (non forum) person then you're probably going to go (persuaded) with Samsung. Again if you're a non techy person on a smaller budget you might be persuaded to go for LG G5 as it is cheaper bang for buck alternative... even though M10 looks like great update the pricing might leave it out in the cold somewhat...M10 should be priced along side G5 I think...oh well I think I'll wait 6 months for the inevitable price drop when the iPhone 7 is released..??????
You do know that you are still paying FULL price for the phone over two years, and being tied down to your carrier, do you think they will let you leave before the contract is up if you don't pay them the difference of the devices remaining cost.


Dec 23, 2013
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It's cheaper in Germany? In Belgium/Netherlands it will cost €749... or this price isn't right

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Have any of you in here ever heard of TARIFFS, every country has different import tariffs imposed on products shipped and sold in their country by foreign corporations. If you are not happy with the cost of certain products that are imported into your country, I suggest you contact your local politicians that you have voted into office and voice to them your displeasure.


Dec 23, 2013
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It's also not just the initial cost but you have to figure in resale value as well? What am I likely to get for a good condition M10 on Swappa in 1 year vs the same condition Galaxy S7 or IPhone 7 or even 6S?

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The same, nothing more nothing less, and you will be able to sell it faster.

jens Van Keer

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Oct 10, 2014
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That's the problem, we Belgians are record holder of 'longest time without a political coöp'(wich i'm not proud of) and there still discussing about things and don't work properly 'together' but that aside you are tottaly right sir and i think that they should make that equal in europe or some parts of europe if that's possible but that will be a no-go and i'll still gonna get the phone with the best selling price in the store

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Dec 23, 2013
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Start with high price then, reduce it later on, strategy might work.... However, Samsung Note 6 is due out in summer and iPhone 7 in fall.. So they basically have 3-6 months to sell as many phones as they can before the big brands update their line... All this drama over the price and it hasn't even been released yet! Hopefully the reviews will stay positive when it does get to the general public otherwise at that sale price they have no chance of stealing some of Samsung's and Apple's profits...
The Samsung Note Series is in a completely different category of phone, and the iPhone will sell regardless do to people already entrenched "tied into the Apple fortress of no escape" into their echo system with plenty of Apple brainwashing to help the cause.


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The vast majority of people don't pay full retail price for a phone. Most people get them subsidized by their carrier. Me included. So the full retail price is not that relevant. Plus phones only sell at full price for a month or two before the price starts dropping. So if you don't want to pay full price just wait a couple of months and pick one up at a discount.


Dec 23, 2013
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Launch day.....AT&T is carrying the there not? I wasn't aware,. Pretty sure they will...Yes they are a major carrier.... If they don't carry the M-10...their loss. They will sell whats easy and makes them money........(Not that I blame them)

The unlocked version will work on the AT&T and T-Mobile networks.


Dec 23, 2013
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The vast majority of people don't pay full retail price for a phone. Most people get them subsidized by their carrier. Me included. So the full retail price is not that relevant. Plus phones only sell at full price for a month or two before the price starts dropping. So if you don't want to pay full price just wait a couple of months and pick one up at a discount.
There is no subsidizing of any sort happening, you do know that by the end of your NEW two year contract for that subsidized NEW phone you will have paid to your carrier the difference of the cost of said new device "they are not in the GIFT giving business". Try to break your contract and leave, you will be in debt for the difference of the cost of that phone.


Dec 23, 2013
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Regular price for the 64GB Nexus 6p in the USA is $550, but occasionally it goes on sale for $475. Just recently it was that price at Best Buy and B&H photo, that's for brand new and not for refurb. You can find them locally on craigslist for even less.
You buy phones on craigslist, really.


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Aug 9, 2010
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There is no subsidizing of any sort happening, you do know that by the end of your two year NEW contract for that subsidized NEW phone you will have paid to your carrier the difference of the cost of said new device "they are not in the GIFT giving business". Try to break your contract and leave, you will be in debt for the difference of the cost of that phone.
Duh. Of course it's not a "gift". But the carrier is subsidizing the initial purchase of the phone. In return for your contractual obligation. Yes part of your monthly payment is to cover the remaining cost of the phone. My point is, most people don't pay full retail price when they buy a new phone. So full retail price is not that relevant. If I want a new M10 I'm not shelling out $700. I'm shelling out $250 or whatever the subsidized price is and then renewing my contract, which will be the same price no matter what phone I buy. And if I wait a couple months that $250 will quickly be down to 100 or 150.

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