Is there a texting / sms app that will keep my real ph# private?


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2014
I'm looking to add a 2nd PRIVATE phone number from which I can send & receive txt mssgs.

Doesnt have to be free android app but that is ideal.

Anyone know of something like this?

I already have a google voice acct; and done want a second account.

Google voice does exactly what you want. Am I missing something?

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Google voice does exactly what you want. Am I missing something?

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

I am already using a google voice account for another purpose. Are you saying I can set up TWO google voice accounts on this phone?

If so, how. Thanks.
But doesnt it reveal your phone number when you text mms messages ?

It gives you a random number. For example: pretend your phone number is 123-456-7899, text plus will give you a random number such as 123-872-9164 and this number will be seen by who ever you text, but not your actually phone number

Posted via Android Central App
The title needs changed to:

The How to Guide on Covert Cheating On Spouse by Spoofing Phone Number sending SMS or MMS!
Doesn't BBM do that - the other party doesn't get to know your phone number or email address unless you want them to?

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