Is there a way to pull down the notification/status bar by swiping down on home screen?

Greg Paeng

New member
Sep 19, 2017
Usually when you swipe down on home screen, you list of apps are shown, but I heard that I can change that so that my notifications/status bar is pulled down instead. As you all know, the s8 is kinda long so pulling down the noti/status bar requires me to adjust my hand position or use both hands.....which is inconvenient. If anyone knows the method, please, PLEASE teach me!!!

P.S. : I'm not talking about swiping down on the fingerprint scanner. cause that also requires me to adjust my hand sometimes.
Welcome to Android Central! I'm not sure about Samsung's native features, but if you're stuck, you can install a 3rd party launcher like Nova, which allows you to assign a swipe down (from any part of the screen) to bring down the notification panel.

Since you're asking about the S8 specifically, I moved this thread to that forum.
Not that I know of. Swipping down on the home screen brings up the app tray. Up can goto Settings > Advanced Features > Finger Sensor Gestures Ann's set a swipe down on the finger sensor to betting down the notification bar. I use it and it works good.
settings>display>homescreen, then turn on quick-open notification panel should do it.
thanks for all of your replies! after looking for the feature all day (in vain) i gave up and decided to try the Nova and its pretty handy.
You can find it in the display menu under home screen menu. It works grate 3rd is not neccery.
You don't need 3rd party application. It's built within our phones.

I just enabled this option myself. Forgot about, but it's really useful.
That's right, I have it enabled also. A swipe down on any part of the screen will pull down notifications bar. It's in there 1 or 2 updates ago.

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