Jellybean update Severe battery drain.


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Jul 28, 2012
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Hi. After grumbling for months about the long wait for Jellybean to come to the international Galaxy Note here in the UK it is with mixed feelings that I report back here now after the upgrade. Although overall I am loving the OS upgrade and the Samsung features that came with it -well, most of- I'm not happy about the various incidences of lag and, worse, the significantly noticable drain on battery since. On ICS I regularly achieved way over 3 hours screen time and most of the day battery life on an average day. I've even managed four hours screen time when non stop video watching. Now I have noticed that "Media" is taking up a chunk of battery life but I cant work out why. I've switched off auto synch media to Samsung and I switched off Google Now for now as it doesnt seem very useful to us outside USA at the moment. But battery life is still troubling me. Anyone have any idea what this phone is doing? By the way as far as I can tell all synching to cloud storage is off? Thanks in advance.

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Mar 9, 2013
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If you have a good amount of media stored, JB is re-indexing the files. I had the same (high % Media use on battery) for the first few days after upgrade...then went away and Media doesn't show on battery use.

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May 29, 2010
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I don't have significant media drain, but I am seeing shorter battery life and severe random lag. The lag is most often when using back button to exit apps and things momentarily hang for 5-20 seconds. It happens other random times, but that is when I notice it most. Also the new gallery is horribly sluggish and TouchWiz is now out of control ugly.

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Jul 28, 2012
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Yes the media app draining battery does now seem to have settled down but I'm still seeing more activity from the OS and system than I was used to. Today I have run one battery down mostly by watching the F1 Gp on CatchUp TV and have achieved over three hours of screen time on about 4.5 hours of battery which is closer to what I would get on ICS. I'm still not entirely happy about battery drain though as I am defintely taking a more significant hit than prior to JB. And I agree that some of the lag is still annoying. Mine is an international Note on Three in the UK but I've been reading recently that AT&T Note customers in the US are reporting many of the issues we are experiencing.

One particular issue I am noticing is that simple things sometimes fail to happen. Sometimes notifications fail to come through. Sometimes the weather widget on the lock screen doesnt update, or the news ticker also on the lockscreen. I cant get the screen taps to switch off even though I have selected "off" in the settings. And some apps invariably lock up inexplicably and have to be restarted. And multiview only shows up after a battery change/reboot if I toggle the quick setting on and off again in the notification shade. Despite all this odd behaviour I am still of the opinion that the update is a worthy one and I still love this phone as much as I ever have. However these new quirks do kind of grate a little when I think what an outright powerhouse this phone used to be! It reminds me of back when I had an iPhone 3G that was totally gimped by the first iOS 4 update, though fortunately the Note still remains a perfectly usable piece of hardware in spite of these new quirks.

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Aug 29, 2013
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I jus updated on my Sony expira z and I used to love the phone now it's a headach mainly because my battery life is draining out for no reason does not last half a day when I could use it for a good day and a half before charging and what has happened to the self shot button why have they Changed it to know where u have to hold down the volume aswell as the power button this is a disaster. I need the old version bk or they need to fix this great update of theres.

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