

Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
So, I saw Google unveiled android 4.1 yesterday. I'm kinda sad that the upgrade brings almost nothing new but hardware refinements. But anyway does anyone think that the skyrocket will eventually get 4.1 (keep in mind we still don't have 4.0)

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Honestly its hard to say, since the change from ics to jelly bean isnt as huge as the change from gb to ics i would think it would be easier to get out. But considering how long its taking for ics im leaning more on the side of no. If you flash roms some developers over at xda are already working on porting JB to skyrocket. I think my next android phone is going to be the next nexus, i dont care if the hardware isnt as good as other phones at least they get software updates. We shouldnt have to wonder if our phones will ever get updates again, especially when its less than a year old.
I agree. I think I am only going to be buying nexus phones straight from google play. Definitely going to be getting the Nexus 7. Google is doing some good things. I actually really like Jellybean. Google Now and the Knowledge Graph technologies look really good. I also really like the notifications and camera changes. It will only keep getting better.
So, I saw Google unveiled android 4.1 yesterday. I'm kinda sad that the upgrade brings almost nothing new but hardware refinements. But anyway does anyone think that the skyrocket will eventually get 4.1 (keep in mind we still don't have 4.0)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Android Central Forums
ordered the Galaxy Nexus yesterday just for that very reason. No more carrier's BS for me.
and to answer your question: No, I do not think it will ever get an official Jelly Bean so your only option would be the custom roms (if there will be any)
If we don't get an official jellybean, someone will create a custom ROM based on it, so you'll still benefit from it. I read over at xda, someone is already working on a jellybean rom for the skyrocket
Trev.. am stunned you'd switch to a Nexus.. am assuming you ordered it from the Play store which as you know is the GSM version and does not have an LTE radio. Would love to know how you weighed in all the factors including cost when getting a device with an outdated processor, lower resolution screen and camera and can only access HSPA+ data. I agree that having a device with vanilla Android makes a lot of sense, and Jelly Bean is clearly a leap forward, especially the Google voice search, but to me, it doesn't make sense to spend $350 for an outdated device just because there's no bloatware and updates are faster. Care to chime in here.. I'm all ears since I really want to get a new phone soon and want to make the right decision. Thanks.
I agree that having a device with vanilla Android makes a lot of sense, and Jelly Bean is clearly a leap forward, especially the Google voice search, but to me, it doesn't make sense to spend $350 for an outdated device just because there's no bloatware and updates are faster.

It's outdated if you only consider the hardware. But it's still plenty fast. There's not much the phone won't be able to handle (unless you're a hardcore gamer). The only phones that beat its screen are the One X and GS3.. and not by a large margin.

If however, you consider the whole package, then the discussion becomes far more interesting. Project Butter will improve responsive to the point where you'll feel like you have a quad core processor. The Nexus will be the only game in town for AWHILE for 4.1 since phones are only just coming out w/ or being updated to ICS. And seeing as how Google's also updating the Nexus S, it gives you a good picture how far they're gonna support the G-Nex as well.

$350 is actually an excellent price for a phone w/ the Nexus' specs. It's only $150 more than the price of a typical subsidized device ($200). If he sells the SR, he can probably fetch close to $300 for it. The speeds are not as fast as LTE, but I think many can live w/ HSPA+ speeds.

If one wasn't tied to ATT, he can throw it on a prepaid plan or one of T-mo's value plans where the savings are typically in the ballpark of $20/month. You'll make up that $150 difference within a few months versus going with AT&T. Heck.. you can probably even wait a few months, cough up the ETF, sell the phone, and still come out ahead.
Jedah.. Interesting arguments for sure. I never paid much attention to TMo as a carrier so I was unaware they had a 500 min/unltd text/2gig data plan for $50. I have 450/200/unltd data at ATT for $75 so it's indeed a big savings. The GS3 is available through Amazon for $150 though, making the difference $200. Of course switching to TMo with a GNex I would capture the difference in 8 mos. Unfortunately my iP3G ain't worth much so it doesn't make sense to sell it.

After watching the vid for the new 4.1 Google Search, it's very impressive and needless to say, FAR better in all ways that Siri. I can't help but think that Sammy is going to have to make 4.1 available on the GS3 though, even though TW will be placed on top. At the end of the day, getting an SR for under $50 offsets the $150 of the GS3 though I guess I would have to root the phone to be able to get a developer version of Jelly Bean which am sure will be available. TMo economy plans require a 2 year contract much like ATT and am not sure how good the TMo coverage is in comparison, nor is there roll over minutes. Lots of things to weigh here.
Trev.. am stunned you'd switch to a Nexus.. am assuming you ordered it from the Play store which as you know is the GSM version and does not have an LTE radio. Would love to know how you weighed in all the factors including cost when getting a device with an outdated processor, lower resolution screen and camera and can only access HSPA+ data. I agree that having a device with vanilla Android makes a lot of sense, and Jelly Bean is clearly a leap forward, especially the Google voice search, but to me, it doesn't make sense to spend $350 for an outdated device just because there's no bloatware and updates are faster. Care to chime in here.. I'm all ears since I really want to get a new phone soon and want to make the right decision. Thanks.

the screen on the Nexus is actually 1280x720 so it is an HD screen the same as on GS3 Superamoled HD. The screen btw is probably the most beautiful thing on this phone. the processor is not outdated yet but SR's processor is more powerful and good for gaming whereas on the Nexus games like NOVA3 lag. But anyway.... I've already shipped it back to google lol I posted about it in another thread... the damn phone was overheating around the earpice area like crazy, even from light web browsing, games lagged and slow HSPA speeds were simply unbearable (not more than 4mbps DL at best..) Sooo... I'm back to my trusty SR and after GN loving it even more lol I know I'm crazy I really wanted to get 4.1 on my phone but I guess I will wait at least untill December when the new Nexus device will be announced and I'll be able to do the exception upgrade on my line. so I will decide then between the new Nexus and GS3....
Trev.. interesting report and this tells me that it's best to rule out the current GNex which as we all know, is being blocked by the Apple injunction anyway. I can't believe Google is going to change the amazing search they created in Jelly Bean to fend off Apple though. Watching the vid demo of it today was stunning.. over 40 voice requests with lightning fast response, unlike anything Siri could ever do.

Am still thinking that the SR might be the best and most affordable option rather than the GS3. I have a feeling that with a launcher and/or a ROM that won't void the warranty, I could end up with something close to the GS3 for far less money that also has had much more development. I found the S Voice thing to be more gimmick than anything and was slow also. The camera on the GS3 is cool, but nothing compares to a DSLR when it comes right down to it :) Anyway, am going to wait a bit longer to see how things roll..
Trev.. interesting report and this tells me that it's best to rule out the current GNex which as we all know, is being blocked by the Apple injunction anyway. I can't believe Google is going to change the amazing search they created in Jelly Bean to fend off Apple though. Watching the vid demo of it today was stunning.. over 40 voice requests with lightning fast response, unlike anything Siri could ever do.

Am still thinking that the SR might be the best and most affordable option rather than the GS3. I have a feeling that with a launcher and/or a ROM that won't void the warranty, I could end up with something close to the GS3 for far less money that also has had much more development. I found the S Voice thing to be more gimmick than anything and was slow also. The camera on the GS3 is cool, but nothing compares to a DSLR when it comes right down to it :) Anyway, am going to wait a bit longer to see how things roll..

the voice search function I believe most likely will be ported by the amazing developer community so this is not a big deal, the S Voice completely sucks as i posted earlier (yes it was ported for the SR as well) its even dumber than Siri. And last but not least, the
launcher won't void the warranty but the non-official ROM will, heck even rooting voids the warranty. But you are absolutely correct though, SR still and will be prolly for another like 5-6 months maybe a very solid phone and it would be the best bang for the buck right now, This leak that I posted about here works so well there is literally no issues with it (well at least I haven't found any) You may also wait and see what Google will announce later this year. And another thing is, I must confess I don't really like the design of the GS3, I've watched numerous unboxing and review videos and I dont like the physical home button, the choice of colors, and I dont like the shiny battery cover and frankly comparing the international version with the US version there is a major difference in the processor thus the US version IMO is basically a slightly bumped up SR with a bit awkward design, and 2gb of ram instead of 1 as on SR. anyway, i really hope Google will come up with something much better than the GN so I won't have to get that carrier bloated GS3.
Thanks again Trev.. you're so dialed into the technology it's a blessing to have you part of the SR community and even more so for a noob like me! And I agree about the small hardware differences between the SR and GS3 though the extra RAM is nice. Otherwise, since I'm not the 'power phone' user many are in these forums, I suspect an inexpensive SR will suit me fine, not to mention all I can learn from the developer community. Yes, I will be stuck with it for 20 mos, but at least it's stable and if I time it right, might even get it for free!

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