...just bought a case for the Thunderbolt


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2011
I'm hoping that the phone won't come out after the case arrives, whenever that may be. Can't believe I've been waiting since this phone was referred to as the Incredible HD.

LOL: On Tuesday, my wife heard her brother say that the TBolt wasn't gonna come until April and told me: "Are you gonna be okay? Will you be able to handle waiting that long". I chuckle and said nothing...
I'm the one that does most of the cooking. My wife really only cooks about one or two dishes, I usually do everything else. Also, notice it seems like all of the best chefs are men on Food Network and all of the major restaurants usually have male head chefs.

Men are better than women. ;)

Men are better than women. ;)


I'm the one that does most of the cooking. My wife really only cooks about one or two dishes, I usually do everything else. Also, notice it seems like all of the best chefs are men on Food Network and all of the major restaurants usually have male head chefs.

I do all the cooking in my household, too. It was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.
I've been waiting since this phone was called the Scorpion (which turned into Mecha and then the Incredible HD later on). So...yeah! :P
I've been waiting since this phone was called the Scorpion (which turned into Mecha and then the Incredible HD later on). So...yeah! :P

I do remember hearing about an HTC Mecha and glimpsed it as a tiny icon on HTCSense.com .
I'm the one that does most of the cooking. My wife really only cooks about one or two dishes, I usually do everything else. Also, notice it seems like all of the best chefs are men on Food Network and all of the major restaurants usually have male head chefs.

Yeah, cause it's a Men's world out there.
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You just bought a case for your phone today and I returned my case today. I'm not waiting for this phone anymore.
You just bought a case for your phone today and I returned my case today. I'm not waiting for this phone anymore.

I've thinking about purchasing the case a week now because of the uncertain release date. But the case is cheap @ only $4.50 so I'm not going to be at a huge loss if I give up on the phone. I've been thinking about jumping ship to the next company that release a dual core phone (that is not Motorola). I'm really hoping that we get some actual release date next week.

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