Just curious. Are presynched N10s shipping faster or at the same rate as nonsynched ones?


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2010
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I placed my order mid morning on Nov 30th. I got confirmation a shippinmg label had been printed Saturday Dec 1st. UPS origin and departue scans occured on Monday Dec 3rd Finally my Nexus 10 was left in my doorway Tuesday Dec 4. I checked during ordering to have it Presynched with my account.

Considering when I placed my order the tag said "shipping in 1-2 weeks" I was surprised to have it in <5 days especially when taking into account that includes the week end.

So I was just wondering what everyone else's experiances were like. Are pre- synched shipping any faster than Non-synced?


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Dec 3, 2012
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Hi newbie sorry to jump on this thread but having problems posting new threads, or even replies or pm. All I get is a grey box below the ttile of thread and when i clcik nothing happens, Called mobile nations and when they were on phone I finally got white box and thought every thing was ok, I hung up with them and right away the problems came back. So Please bear with me till this gets fixed.
I has never used andriod and looking to purchase my 1st tablet. I was wondering if people can help me find the best tablet for the uses i will doing with it. Price no more than $425. wifi 16 or 32 gb. If allows for sd card want 16 gb. Asus300,700 Samsung galaxy note or the nexus. What is difference between asus 300 or 700 considering price difference between 2. What is usb port use for and is it on tablets. looking mainly at ones i posted above But any other Wi- fi Tablet that will be best for my needs will be fine too. I want one that search internet for long periods of time with no lagging. Also make use of bateery charge the longest. Play my music cd's on to mp3 etc and bring them from pc to tablet.} Take decent pics in house and send them to someone else laptop. Want webcam to video chat using thier laptop and this tablet. Want to use yahoo messenger, go to yahoo groups and as owner able to do same things as my laptop This is minor maybe tablet for example to take notes for groups. recipe ingrediants or teen search web for projects and want to put things searched on tablet so not to forget them. This tablet is basically is replacing laptop.
So everyone Please chime in and help a Novice to andriod. I dont own a smartphone but know about {yes the dreaded word here apple} tablet. Also can u update it yourself or does tablet update itself. Can u stay at iCS or is it automatically updated. Reason asking as jellybean is having alot of problems so would rather stay on ics until bugs are fixed. If u dont use credit card How do u pay for non free app? is there any tablets that u can use to play app games on hd tv Tablet that allows downloading the kindle store or nook to use apps on ur tablet? I want to do all this without voiding warrenty. Sorry for all the questions but I cant get out and try tablets in store cause im disabled. Oh just 1 more question is there a big differnce in using a 7 in tablet vs 10 inch with what i want to do with tablet. Thank you in advance for all ur help.


Linux: The power beneath
May 31, 2010
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I bought mine through Play and was never asked about syncing my ID. And it came unsynced... which is just fine because it takes only a few seconds if it wasn't pre-done, anyway.

Daft Wader

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Dec 7, 2012
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Being a newbie myself, I'm not sure how much I can help. I have a Nexus 10 32gb and an old 7 inch Android. The 10 inch allows easier use of an onscreen keyboard without use of a stylus, and also it's easier to select onscreen links, advance pages etc Remember the 10 inch is diagonally across a widescreen unlike the Apple screen which is more book page dimensions. The Nexus screen allows me to read paperback size but with a slightly odd lengthened page.
I gather that by downloading an app called Nexus Media Importer you can use USB memory sticks to download stored films, music, etc onto the Nexus but not upload stuff onto the USB from the Nexus as I understand it, maybe wrong on the uploading. That makes the 32gb a luxury. You would need a mini USB to standard USB cable to attach the memory stick.
I also know that a mini HDMI to normal HDMI allows you to attach tablets to TVs, so gaming should be possible.
You can also buy a notes app for the Nexus and probably all tablets.
Jellybean seems very fast and smooth to me, it has been updated once already.

If I've got anything wrong, this reply will surely bring in a lot of comments from others, so it will be useful one way or another.
Last edited:


Linux: The power beneath
May 31, 2010
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I gather that by downloading an app called Nexus Media Importer you can use USB memory sticks to download stored films, music, etc onto the Nexus but not upload stuff onto the USB from the Nexus as I understand it, maybe wrong on the uploading. That makes the 32gb a luxury. You would need a mini USB to standard USB cable to attach the memory stick.[...]If I've got anything wrong, this reply will surely bring in a lot of comments from others, so it will be useful one way or another.

You are correct. Without rooting, you can buy a non-free, closed-source app that will allow read-only access to all files on a USB storage device using an "OTG" usb cable. Or you can get a free, closed-source app that will allow read-only access to SOME files. With rooting, you can use a simple, free, open app to mount and read/write.

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