Keep Droid... Or?


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
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I have become increasingly frustrated with the keyboard on the Droid. I SUCK at virtual keyboard, don't like having to slide out the physical keyboard, and once it's out I'm pretty slow on it. I freakin' love the Droid OS, the browser is incredible, etc. But I do a lot of SMS messaging, as well as short 3-4 line emails. Coming from an 8330 the keyboard was never limiting, but the OS sucked and the phone was slow. I love being able to watch movies on my droid, run pandora, etc but the keyboard is a nagging issue. As far as I see it, I have two choices.

1. Keep the Droid. Suck it up. So the keyboard may be terrible, but it is what it is. Deal with it.

2. Return Droid. Buy Blacberry Tour. Buy iPod Touch. Tour great for messaging, right? Right. Tour not so good for media, some browsing, video. iPod touch great using WiFi for streaming media, web browsing, most importantly (me to personally) -- can watch T.V. episodes, etc.

What are your thoughts? I'm leaning towards 2. I am sad to see the Droid go, but it's overall performance as a phone/messenger first have not been perfect. Droid does a lot of other things, but I dont need all of that. Blackberry plain and simple, but does it right. Also, I LOVE being able to watch TV shows from my computer put onto my Droid. Well, I can do it on the iPod touch.

Let the debate begin!


The bending unit
Nov 3, 2009
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I was in the same boat as you were, when I had my old 8300 Curve and switched over to an 9530 Storm (don't ask me why). But as time progressed, I began to like the virtual keyboard on the Storm. And then switching over to the Moto Droid, I find the keyboard more refined.
Give it some time... you'll get used to it.

Besides, you can't beat the Android 2.0 OS... it rocks!;)


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Nov 16, 2009
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I was in the same boat as you not too long ago. Keep the Droid. I actually upgraded from a Tour and I do not miss it at all. Overtime your keyboard skills will get better...I'm sure of it.


Nov 11, 2009
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I would say that you must have some set up issues, I did in the beginning. After realizing that email and Gmail need to be running at all times or else my messages were delayed, I now receive my emails within 5 minutes. The keyboard is still a little difficult for me to use but the on screen keyboards fly when compared to the S1.

Only you can decide if the phone is for you and if you truly like the platform. This is quite a change hardware wise from the 8300 or any blackberry device. Good luck with your choice.

Roy Aguilera

Unlike the virtual keyboard, the slide out one is unchangeable. If you hate it and feel its not for you, go with the BB. Tour and iPod is a pain though. Carrying both around gets old an annoying fast. Trust me.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2009
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I have become increasingly frustrated with the keyboard on the Droid. I SUCK at virtual keyboard, don't like having to slide out the physical keyboard, and once it's out I'm pretty slow on it. I freakin' love the Droid OS, the browser is incredible, etc. But I do a lot of SMS messaging, as well as short 3-4 line emails. Coming from an 8330 the keyboard was never limiting, but the OS sucked and the phone was slow. I love being able to watch movies on my droid, run pandora, etc but the keyboard is a nagging issue. As far as I see it, I have two choices.

1. Keep the Droid. Suck it up. So the keyboard may be terrible, but it is what it is. Deal with it.

2. Return Droid. Buy Blacberry Tour. Buy iPod Touch. Tour great for messaging, right? Right. Tour not so good for media, some browsing, video. iPod touch great using WiFi for streaming media, web browsing, most importantly (me to personally) -- can watch T.V. episodes, etc.

What are your thoughts? I'm leaning towards 2. I am sad to see the Droid go, but it's overall performance as a phone/messenger first have not been perfect. Droid does a lot of other things, but I dont need all of that. Blackberry plain and simple, but does it right. Also, I LOVE being able to watch TV shows from my computer put onto my Droid. Well, I can do it on the iPod touch.

Let the debate begin!
That was the key word. Get what you are going to be comfortable with and NEVER settle.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
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I came from the Tour and as nice as it is, the Droid is better. The screen on the Tour is so small for browsing that I find it a real pain. I would keep the Droid, just practice with the slide out keyboard and with time you will get used to it. I won't buy another small screen phone ever again.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
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Slideout keyboard is DEFINITELY an aquired taste. I was very annoyed with it at first. I kept opening the notepad application and typed long paragraphs over and over, after a few days of doing this I can type pretty fast and use it as my primary.

I like having the whole screen while typing, that was the primary reason I exchanged to the Droid from the Storm 2.

As far as the may find yourself pretty annoyed with it if you become one of many with a Trackball problem.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2009
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+1 for sticking with it. I hated mine for the first week and even went back to Best Buy to return it. Ultimately I kept it, and I could not be happier! Good luck!


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
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I've heard a lot of people getting bored with the Tour after a while. I find the landscape virtual keyboard is not that bad and you can download additional keyboards with better keyboard to improve the experience. Look into the future ... you may not use some of the features right now but could you in say a year or 6 months? Especially as the market place grows it can only get better. I even suggest trying some of the other features it might change your mind right away even.

Besides .... an ipod touch would be like another $200 for features that are included in the Droid.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
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I second that carrying both devices will get old fast. Plus what if you're out and you don't want to carry both. For example, (pre droid) I went out one night and ended up missing my train stop so I had to wait almost 2 hours for the next train to take me back. Since I was going out for the night to bars etc I didn't carry my ipod with me, I just had my tour. So I had to suck it up for 2 hours with just the tour, which was OK, but had I had my droid then those 2 hours would have FLOWN by.


Active member
Nov 8, 2009
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If you do want a Tour, pm me. I don't miss it for the aforementioned reasons, but the keyboard was definitely million times better. I kept the Tour just in case I wanted to go back, but I'm not seeing that happening.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2009
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At first the physical keyboard was a bit annoying, especially the top keys as they are too close to the screen. That made it tough to type. After using it for close to three weeks I am able to type much faster with more accuracy.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
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These are all good points guys, and I appreciate it. My reasoning for considering option #2 is because the Blackberry may not do much, but what it does do (phone, email, sms) it does VERY well from my experience with my 8330. Obviously it leaves a lot of gaps (video, good streaming audio, apps, etc) which I felt like I could fill with a Touch. All the while I could use the Touch while not killing the battery on my device that I need to be a *phone* first and foremost. I like the opinions I've been hearing though. Definitely a good point to people saying that carrying 2 devices gets old fast. I was just able to message with such quickness, accuracy, and confidence on my 8330, and I just don't feel the same way about the droid *hardware*. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Android 2.0. I love the apps, I love the features, but I have issues with the hardware being clunky, almost cumbersome which is the main reason why I am considering option #2. Greatly appreciate the opinions though. Keep them coming!


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
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I should clarify. I would likely wait until the Tour2/Essex comes to VZW. Basically the 9700 on VZW. Hopefully comes by holiday time??


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2009
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I should clarify. I would likely wait until the Tour2/Essex comes to VZW. Basically the 9700 on VZW. Hopefully comes by holiday time??

Interesting, I thought the Tour II was just a trackpad version of the Tour. Better processor and memory? I haven't bothered reading up on it yet.

I'm a BB guy and here pondering the Droid. Lotsa cool stuff about it.

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