Leaving the Nexus behind


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Dec 27, 2011
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Love ICS. Hate the battery life even with an extended battery.....and having to put airplane mode on and off to receive data connection. No apps checking for updates and screen on low as it will go still makes my battery be at 50% after 3-4 hours of minimal use.

Looking to sell or trade for a Razr Maxx!

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Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
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Love ICS. Hate the battery life even with an extended battery.....and having to put airplane mode on and off to receive data connection. No apps checking for updates and screen on low as it will go still makes my battery be at 50% after 3-4 hours of minimal use.

Looking to sell or trade for a Razr Maxx!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Try calling Verizon to see if you can swap out?


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Feb 4, 2011
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Have you thought about rooting and Timing?
Try downloading better battery stats and seeing if something is causing a partial wake lock. You should be able to get about 2 hours of screen on time. My guess is bad signal is causing the battery drain. New radios will help that out...possible update tomorrow will fix that. It could also be a rogue app keeping the phone awake.
Something is not right...I can go 18 hours on my phone with stock battery


Keyboard Warrior
Mar 21, 2010
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You should be able to get about 2 hours of screen on time.

That is really bad and it might be what pushes me back to the iPhone. I've always liked Android and I LOVE ICS, but I've never been able to get a great Android phone with good battery life. My iPhone lasted a good 3x longer. Doesn't matter how much better Android is when you have to be careful with how much you use your phone. I never had to worry about my iPhone dying. It really sucks. I'd take the RAZR MAXX if it had a 720p screen, ICS, and didn't look so ugly.


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Dec 19, 2011
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I can understand the nexus has a my much better screen but I had enough of the phone. The MAXX works great and the antenna and the battery is rock solid :)

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Android Central Forums


Retired Moderator
Oct 6, 2010
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I think Android manufactures are beginning to realize that those of us with iPhones get 5-7 hours of on screen time and don't have to be plugged in more that once a day on a heavy day. 2-3 hours of on screen time is not enough for what the device can do, and are supposed to.
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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
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I love the large screen and poke fun of my friends iPhones tiny screen. But I'd kill for their battery life

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Andrew Ruffolo

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Jan 5, 2010
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I had an iphone for 3 weeks... hated the battery life for adding 0 benefit to me. If I didn't use the phone, it was fine, but I use my phone as a reference tool throughout the entire day. As that, I was able to get equal battery life on the Thunderbolt (3G area). I get much much better battery life on my stock nexus than the Thunderbolt. I don't even bring a charger to work (even though I could if I want 100% battery, I work at a computer most of the day). To the OP, you have a rogue app cause your issue... maybe not even an app but rather a service. If you downloaded and installed some sketchy apps from the market, they could have left dingleberries behind. I would try a factory reset (I know if you call VZW, they would recommend the same). Anyways, I know you probably are not going to listen to anyone's recommendations, so enjoy your Gingerbread MAXX.


Keyboard Warrior
Mar 21, 2010
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But then it wouldnt be a Razr MAXX :)
That would make it a Nexi...

The One X has all of those things and isn't a Nexus. Basically I want a One X with the RAZR MAXX's battery life.

I think it begs the question. Are these screens getting too big?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Yes. The standard should be around 4-4.3" IMO. My Galaxy Nexus is manageable but I still find it a little too big. Though, there should still be a few phones with larger sizes for those who want a phablet like the Note.

I had an iphone for 3 weeks... hated the battery life for adding 0 benefit to me. If I didn't use the phone, it was fine, but I use my phone as a reference tool throughout the entire day. As that, I was able to get equal battery life on the Thunderbolt (3G area). I get much much better battery life on my stock nexus than the Thunderbolt. I don't even bring a charger to work (even though I could if I want 100% battery, I work at a computer most of the day). To the OP, you have a rogue app cause your issue... maybe not even an app but rather a service. If you downloaded and installed some sketchy apps from the market, they could have left dingleberries behind. I would try a factory reset (I know if you call VZW, they would recommend the same). Anyways, I know you probably are not going to listen to anyone's recommendations, so enjoy your Gingerbread MAXX.

ThunderBolt with how big of an extended battery? I could only get 2-3 hours of use with my ThunderBolt on 3G, and 4G was even worse. I could easily get twice that on my iPhone 4. One of the main reasons I upgraded to the Galaxy Nexus was for better battery life, but honestly it isn't much of an improvement over the ThunderBolt.