Hoping to hear from some left handed users on their experience of unlocking the note 8 with the Finger print scanner...
I'm a lefty but I dont unlock the phone with my left hand. I hold the phone in my left and just unlock with my right pointer finger sideways. This phone is too long for me to unlock with one hand, but the way I described it just as good if not better. I'f I'm holding in one hand though I just use the iris scanner
Never thought to scan my prints sideways. Good idea.
I was born without arms so my pants have no pockets. I always use iris scan
Me tooI'm left handed but I use my phone mostly with my right hand. I unlock with the right index finger. I mostly use the iris scan though.
LolReally? I'm always fascinated by people with disabilities. The resiliency is amazing. I must admit, I stare (and will go over and talk if I'm alone) but only because I'm quite taken with what you are able to do without things I take for granted. Amazing.